Can-in-Stein: turn a beer-can into a stein


Actually, Can-in-stein is the scientist who created it, not the actual product.


Stuff like this, geek joke art, cool to look at and think about but good for nearly zero real world utility other than kitch are something that I want but usually can keep myself from buying; especially considering my current stuff storage deficit. At least a parachute, telescope, or a amateur radio set I can justify by making up some sort of hand wavy scenario, I will be over this in a day or so.


boo, 12 oz cans only :frowning:
somebody pls. make a 440ml version for us Brits!


I, as a german, was totally flabbergasted by the use of the (german) word “Stein” here. It means stone and has no connection to beer mugs at all. I’d have used the (much cooler!) word “Humpen” :wink:

(Note that the “u” in “Humpen” is pronounced like that in, e.g., “pull”. And not like Christoph Waltz does it elsewhere …)


This invokes memories of sayings regarding sow’s ears and silk purses, considering the cans most likely to be used, but it’s rather apropos in a hilariously ironic way!

Good for keeping the bugs out when outdoors, and very fashionable at the table for any Dungeons & Dragons game.


Adam? Although Adam’s Ale in a can would be a bit disappointing.

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Ornamental beer mugs are called steins in english.

Oh, yes, thanks! But I had found that article already earlier.

I was actually also surprised that the name is derived from “Steinzeugkrug”, which is as technical as it gets. It is almost like calling a train “steel vehicle on rails” … Nevertheless, I guess the “Krug” (= “mug”) is the part of the expression that should have been used, if it was more logical.

Stein sounds German, which is pretty much all we English-speakers need to use it to describe “those funky German beer mugs with the lids on.” All it lacks is an umalout. Can we add one to Krug?

Also, I believe it is supposed to be pronounced Can-in-STEEN. Which might also take care of NichtJens’ objection below. [just puttin’ on the Ritz]

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You’ll be pleased to hear that the plural of “Krug” is “Krüge” :wink:

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Nein! … It should be pronounced “Stine” or even better “Shtine”.

This is right next to a Russian colleague of mine who insists on calling “Hamburg” “Gamburg” … :smiley:

I usually wait to buy those kinds of things until they start showing up in thrift shops and at yard sales, (aka charity shops and car boot sales).

The “stuff storage deficit” remains an issue though.

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