Canadian libraricide: Tories torch and dump centuries of priceless, irreplaceable environmental archives

Politically inconvenient research. Consign it to the flames.

1 Like An interview with one journalist with The Tyee who has been following the closures.

Your analysis above is spot-on, aside from one bit, possibly a typo: the new gang of thieves renamed themselves the Conservative Party of Canada - to this bunch, the word “Progressive” is as much an obscenity as is “Liberal” in the Beknighted States.

When the Reformers and the old Conservatives oozed back together, they actually named themselves the Canadian Conservative Reform Alliance Party, until someone noticed the acronym CCRAP.

Oops. Fixed. Thanks!

I had originally mentioned that, but I didn’t want to distract from the issue of party of Bush & Dick becoming the party of Santorum.

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I’m pretty sure that taking a small sliver of the historical evidence away won’t give them any sort of win.

But lets pillory them anyhow. For real. Glitter bombs, pie faces, and oh yeah, RECALL ELECTIONS

You might be able to prove your first point, but you have not.

Your second point is hogwash, and you may continue to gargle with it.

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Because when someone cries “Wolf” and it turns out to be a Panther, there was never any problem?

Great logic, very victim blamey.

But now I am a little bit angry about the needless hyperbole and the shoddy fact checking, which does much to divert attention from the fact that valuable resources are actually being destroyed.

That does nothing to divert attention. The inability to distinguish trollies from people of good faith diverts that attention, and that’s on you not the authors of the article.

Again, when someone is being assaulted and cries out for help in a way you could find fault with, it does not absolve the abuser one iota. Unless you, YOU, are so inclined to view the world that way.


Zero evidence remaining I think is what you meant to say.

Joined 20 hours ago, posting with an agenda. Welcome to the party sinsyder. In the future you should be sure to post on a lot of other things to build up some cred before storming to do damage control for your employers.


This is a terrible scan. VERY low resolution. I cannot even make out the numbers on some of the color plates.
Hopefully, someone has a better scan somewhere else.

There should seriously be jail time for this shit.

Second article on this subject from fringe websites. The photo used is common license, not of books being burned by Harper-mandated officials. Stories told with no proofs. I emailed the Conservatives on their lying to the public and this article is equally bad, expects us to accept without question, just like the Harper government.

If you click through you can see the verbatim text of an email sent by a DFO scientist.

The Department has claimed that all useful information from the closed libraries is available in digital form. This is simply not true. Much of the material is lost forever.

Is that “proofs” enough for you?


So why doesn’t the 60% riot until you end FPTP and get party proportional (or at lest MMP) representation?

If you could reconstruct the documents from the smoke molecules it wouldn’t be enough for that guy, he’d claim they were forgeries with a typewriter font that didn’t even exist at the time.

'at some point you realize the pig is enjoying it. ’

Was this email cleared by PR specialists in the Harper government No? Then why are you basing your story on it?

Because for the most part we are comfortable. Why doesn’t the frog just jump out of the pot?

You beat me to it. As someone else mentioned upthread, there would be a list of people and institutions a mile long who would be willing to take all of this stuff. That’s a fascist book burning no matter how you look at it.