Captain America: “I want YOU to vaccinate your kids”

If he fucking wants us to vaccinate our kids, then he’s the fucker. If he wants us to fucking vaccinate our kids, then we are the fucker. But if he wants us to vaccinate our fucking kids, then that makes them the fucker.

If we can’t call black people niggers, and we can’t call women cunts, then maybe we shouldn’t call our children fuckers.

Can’t we vacci-fucking-nate our kids?

Doesn’t anyone else like tmesis?

Wouldn’t it be better if the message came from Captain FUCKING America?


Marvel should do a Punisher one-shot where a friend’s kids die from Whooping cough because the vaccine didn’t take.

So he then breaks into the hospital and finds the records of all the kids either missing or behind on their vaccinations, steals a bunch of vials, and then gets one of those dart tranq guns and loads it up with vaccines. Then he goes on a mission to vaccinate all these kids. No one is safe… er - well actually they will be more safe…

It could be like a PSA they pass out to kids at school. Maybe include a skull bandaid. Make it cool to get vaccinated.

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“Think of the fucking children” sounds like a NAMBLA slogan.


Funnily enough…

Although it isn’t about vaccination specifically.

In the days of Camelot, the creature known as the Myth Monster was a being born out of dark magic of Morgan Le. The Myth Monster speciality was to instill fear in people by telling them lies and making them believe in them. However, King Arthur was able to fight the creature back due to his people believing in his words of truth and not the lies of the Myth Monster. In doing so, the Myth Monster was weakened and Merlin the Magician imprisoned him in an enchanted amulet. However, when Camelot fell the amulet made its way to the US over the course of many years. It was then found by a young boy in Shorehaven, Connecticut. He brought the amulet to school where he opened it and unleashed the creature on his school.

The Myth Monster realizing he had been imprisoned for centuries noticed the insecurities of the schools administration dealing with students with disabilities and medical needs. Using his powers, he caused the school to believe lies about everything from diabetes to epilepsy. Peter Parker who was visiting the school for the state track and field discovered that several of the teachers who were defending students’ medical needs all of a sudden turned against them. He eventually discovered that the Myth Monster was impersonating the principal and sprang into action but found out that he could not hurt the creature. During the battle, the students discovered that the Myth Monster was unable to destroy the enchanted amulet and had hidden it nearby. When Spider-Man and the students and teachers were unable to stop the Myth Monster from taking the amulet again.

Spider-Man in process finally understood that the Myth Monster’s powers came from lies and made the students and teachers tell him the truth about their condition. As more and more people began to listen, the Myth Monster started losing his powers and eventually disappeared in an explosion and was never seen again.


And it fucking well means I can’t fucking show it to fuck-well half my fucking relatives. Fuck.

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“TWO fucking syllables”, he intensely said pedanti-fucking-ly.


If the use of the word “fucking” bothers you, then DO NOT watch this video…




Agree. There are several tens of thousands of doctor’s offices and clinics where this poster would be completely awesome and who knows maybe save a child’s life, but with the f-bomb there, no one is ever going to post it.

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aw, crap – it’s pedantically.




By whom? And what do you mean by “crass”? And what is the opposite of “crass” - what sort of person doesn’t say the word “fuck”?

This sort of “language policing” looks an awful like like a class issue, doesn’t it? I wonder if @headcode code has considered that. “Welder. Electrician.”…

Yeah, “fundies” aren’t really all that sensitive to the issues of class, so this doesn’t surprise me at all.

My momma, she liked herself some workin’ class boys.

This is actually amusing because she came from a white collar family of preachers and such. Her mother was a nurse and her father was an electrical engineer (and his father was a school teacher). I guess “bad boys.” My mom’s parents (who I lived with from age 14 on) forced me to go to church with them and would get mad if I said “Jeez” or “God” (let alone anything worse). Both of my uncles were/are Methodist ministers.

My dad was much more:

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If by class you mean low class, then yes, it’s a class issue.

My father worked at the local valve factory in the warehouse and farmed at night, one uncle operated a gas station, another uncle world at same valve factory on the line and the final uncle was in the Navy. Pretty solidly blue collar. All pretty solidly not low class.

Yeah because people swearing? That’s “low class.”

Hey, let me channel my father and his fathers before him: fuck you. :slight_smile:

Nothing worse than jumped up working class folks who think they’re better than everyone else because…reasons.

I expect Falcor will edit or delete this post soon enough.



That’s not what I meant, no, but it doesn’t surprise me that’s how you took it, since you clearly have no understanding of the issue of class in our society.

It is OK to not want Captain America to swear. It is also OK if you don’t want Superman to snap peoples’ necks. It is also OK if you are fine with both. Either position, in a reasonable non-internet culture world, would not be met with moral condemnation of your character or taken as evidence of your wicked classist ways. Or maybe that’s just crazy talk.