Colorado's booming legal weed economy

Aww, c’mon. You couldn’t have missed all the dogs and cats living together since it started, could you?

No, but I have noticed the distinct smell of brimstone in the air.

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I’m thinking this person may be the driver of the car morcheeba was referring to.


OK, now I’m curious. Do you even know what happens when you smoke too much weed?

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You fall asleep.

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Not necessarily.

There haven’t just been studies about stoned driving, a Canadian survey of those studies did find that, “marijuana use was associated with a 92% increased risk of fatal or near-fatal accidents.” The studies included 50,000 drivers involved in crashes in multiple countries.

Basically, it looks like this: Driving stoned, you may be able to avoid fender benders, because unlike a person who’s drunk, you’re more likely to recognize that you’re high - so you’ll drive more carefully. That doesn’t mean you aren’t impaired. At higher speeds, you’ll lack the response time and motor skills needed to avoid more dangerous collisions. So, you’re more likely to be involved in one of those (stay off highways!).

Combining alcohol with marijuana is even more dangerous, and yeah - being tired is one of the most risky things you do on the road.

Here’s a bit more: “Interestingly, researchers have also found that states that legalize medical marijuana have fewer fatal car crashes, largely because of a decline in drunk driving.” So, it is safer to drive stoned than drunk, but that doesn’t equate to it simply being safe.


Meanwhile, opening tomorrow in Boyle Heights…

If there are ‘tons’, than maybe a top 5 list would help?

Because it sounds to me like you’re pretty prejudiced against a group of people for who they are. So, lay out the behavior that bothers you, and it won’t seems so prejudiced. Cool?

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Then why even mention it? What was the point? You’re not being at all sincere.

True. Just about the only two things I’ve noticed are:

  • My favorite coffeeshops are turned in to dispensaries.
  • Price for warehouse space has shot up dramatically. Since weed has to be grown locally, our makerspace has had trouble finding a place to rent.

“Brimstone” :smiley:

I think the jury is still out on whether or not cannabis is a serious impediment to operating machinery.

Now, with decriminalization sweeping the nation, come on, lets not ‘eff’ this up, guys.

Dont toke and drive. Dont give the weasels an excuse to keep our plant from us.

This message was brought to you by The Association of Pot Smokers Who Are Me and Want to Be Able to Buy Pot Without Looking Over My Shoulder, I Mean Their Shoulders.


Indeed, does the term “projectile vomiting” ring any bells with anyone??

Washington State gets on the Ganja Train next week. There are reports that retail outlets won’t have sufficient supplies, so prices are going to be high and, unless the people who get some pass it around to folks on line, tempers might be short.

Yea, especially among those who don’t have.

While those that do have will get angry and rise up in revolt when, and I quote, ''they get around to it".

I think the same concerns of shortages were raised during Colorado’s legalization. Rest assured my Washingtonian friends, the market will provide.

I love weed.

If you care to try some if you are in another state. Download TOR ( Then log into Agora - a better Silk Road. http://agorahooawayyfoe.onion/register/fFcwU7942p

This brings back a memory of myself ingesting too much of edibles one day. Even as a long-term smoker, I misjudged and ate too much.

There was no projectile vomiting – I was more than able to make the toilet. But I did vomit! A few times. Then I brushed my teeth.

Then I passed out, cold, for 10+ hours. Best sleep I’ve ever had!

But, mostly when someone SMOKES too much weed, they may stare into space or fall asleep until it fades. Edibles are different, though.

Fuck driving, it’s hard enough getting someone to make a cup of bloody tea, never mind go to the shops…

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