Defiant rancher in Nevada beloved by militia groups is a horrible racist, surprising approximately nobody

Its all good, but there is thing called a paper of record. Try Since honestley this was old news by 8:57PT.

I honestly was on the fence about this guy, not so much because of his motivations which I found obtuse, but because I like the idea of people learning to stand up against militarized government agencies. The moment I saw the photo of the fenced off ā€œFirst Amendment Areaā€ in the leadup to the confrontation I was on the Rancherā€™s side even if I didnā€™t agree with their personal politics.

The racism angle thoughā€¦ that really does compel me to back away slowly while whistling and not making eye contact with anyone.

Here is the dialog that you might get from someone attacked for using the word Negro.

"You are out of your cotton picking mind! How do you expect people to keep track of what those people want us to call them? Negro was good enough for Martin Luther King! Is it black now? Then why isnā€™t it the National Association of Black People instead of Colored People? Or maybe African American? I guess we canā€™t use that because that doesnā€™t fix Obama, heā€™s from Kenya or Hawaii ( which was just barely in the US if that is in fact where he was born.)

And what about what they call each other? Why canā€™t I do that? Because it isnā€™t politically correct.

Itā€™s really hard for us good Americans to keep up with all the word changes. Iā€™m just a simple man with simple ideas and needs. And I need people to simply leave me alone."


The First Amendment area was unconscionable. Full stop.

But the ā€œmilitarized governmentā€ has been after the guy in court for about 20 years, with him consistently losing and consistently thumbing his nose at the government. They appear to have been more than lenient; at a certain point if you owe the government 7 figures in fines, theyā€™re going to try to collect.

Although why physically seizing the cattle rather than garnishing his bank account is the proper way to approach this is lost on me.


Just think about this:

Theodore ā€˜Tedā€™ Bundy
Al Bundy
Clive Bundy

Need I say more.

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I think we can all agree that ad hominem arguments are the most important when it comes to any land dispute, especially if you can add any association fallacies. Liberals everywhere can now claim moral superiority over devilā€™s advocates. Just ask the Russian media.


Iā€™d have a huge amount of patience for an older person who used the word Negro. If a gentleman grew up using that word and wanted to express how unjust it was that America was incarcerating its young ā€œNegroā€ men at such an alarming rate, I might politely express to him that it was no longer the favoured word for referring to black Americans, but would not think him racist.

ā€œOne more thing I know about the Negro,ā€ is something else. That turn of phrase itself is an act of racism. I mean, even if someone say, ā€œIā€™ll tell you one more thing I know about the Negro: they are more likely than the white man to get lung cancer even with similar lifestyle-related risk factors.ā€ That still sounds racist.


As soon as you find someone who actually says he should lose his case because heā€™s a racist jerk, feel free to caution them.


Or you could watch the video where he says JUST EXACTLY THAT. Word for word. Itā€™s ridiculous.


Iā€™d like to do a study to find out how often the phrase ā€œPolitical correctness gone crazy!ā€ or the like really means ā€œI want to say racist shit without people calling me out!ā€ I suspect the percentage is high.


Sure, but only for a given value of lion.

The use of the word Negro doesnā€™t automatically mean a person is a racist. It simply means a person is old.

I canā€™t cite, but there was an article a while back that revealed that a significant percentage of older Black people preferred that term as a self-description when responding to the US Census. I believe the term was only retired from that format last year, for this reason. It was the standard descriptor as recently as four decades ago. I donā€™t know Mr. Horrible Insane Rancher Personā€™s age, but Iā€™m guessing heā€™s safely in the cohort (Black, White, whatever) that would still see this as the ā€œproperā€ term.

One doesnā€™t need to read much further into the quote, though, to see that heā€™s also a person who is racist. And, given the background of his own rise to prominence, a spectacular hypocrite.

Things are not going to end well for Clive Bundy and any of his supporters stupid enough to hang out around him, and thatā€™s just fine with me.

I am glad they didnā€™t interview my dad. He still uses the words ā€œoriental, japs, negro, maharishi, injun, and Inselaffeā€. He even refers to KFC as Colonel Sanchez. I donā€™t know if you could title him as a ā€œracistā€ but he does use those names to describe social behaviors that are different from his. I can say I donā€™t agree with his way of grouping social classes, though I do think itā€™t a natural social human tactic for self preservation. If we all were Buddha, then we wouldnā€™t be so animal like. Until then my dad will be my dad; Nothing more or less.


Itā€™s a subset of ā€œI want to say (and do) stupid shit without any personal consequenceā€. In varied forms, thatā€™s a common human failing, but the rightwing has weaponized it.


Simple suggestion: Ask the folks in question what they want to be called. Howā€™s that?

I live in Oakland. My neighbors are black. They tell me that theyā€™re black. They laugh when someone calls them ā€œAfrican Americanā€ mostly. If I called them ā€œcolored,ā€ theyā€™d think I was some racist asshole (I watched one of them react to someone using that very word not two weekends ago). No one has used ā€œnegroā€ in that community across the board in, what, 40 years?


You are going on and on about how no one has read or seen this, but Iā€™m sitting here listening to him talk this shit in the youtube link. Maybe it isnā€™t that we havenā€™t watched it. Maybe you are just having computer troubles.

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No offense but, yeah, heā€™s a racist. My dad was too (and he was from Wyoming).

If you use ā€œJapsā€ or similar in your speech, youā€™re racist. Using offensive words to describe another people does not indicate you have good feelings towards them.


Color of skin, obviously, silly! One is good, the other bad.

Nixon was practically a communist by current Republican standardsā€“certainly to the left of Obama.