Defiant rancher in Nevada beloved by militia groups is a horrible racist, surprising approximately nobody

He said that he thought they were better off as slaves, so if you can’t find the racism, you really aren’t looking too hard.


So, he hates the government, hates nearly half the people in the United states, wants to use the public commons like it was his property, and he will shoot american police/agents/soldiers if they try to stop him? Sounds like a patriot to me.


Well, before this we were behind Mr. Bundy 100%. But now that he has come out and made these statements, we’re behind him 200%!

-Militia groups

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Correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m pretty sure he has already lost the case when it comes to the Federal government. Now he’s pretty much in full tax rebellion mode. Now that it’s clear the movement is led by a racist, we can all feel better when the government kills off a few them.


That’s a good point, but you’re forgetting that if Nixon were around now he would be considered a bleeding-heart big-government liberal. The guy even proposed national health care, which is (according to our current batch of conservatives) one of the building blocks of a communist dictatorship.

The conservatives of today have moved so far to the right that Nixon IS a liberal now. I would love to have those old conservatives back, they were a lot more reasonable-- in fact if they were here today instead of these quasi-anarchist self-serving cognitively dissonant Tea Party “patriots” then we probably wouldn’t even be having this conversation, we would all agree that Bundy lost his court case and should pay the fees, you know . . . “law and order.”


So you’re OK with him being an ignorant freeloader who’s being lionized by gun-rights groups for stealing land from the government, but saying “Negro”, well, that’s right out?


What Just universe do you live in? and how do I get there?

No, I think they’re just a few steps away from the tar pits. The internet gave them a momentary 2nd (or 8th or 9th) wind, but what the internet giveth, it can taketh away…

My family used to be ruled by these assholes, and now, 40 years later - They’re all gone. Some of their children - My generation - aren’t what you’d ever call “liberal”, but the proud public Bundy-style douchebaggery is growing ever more rare. (If they were all that common, Bundy wouldn’t even be news.)
And THEIR kids have the internet, and from talking to them, I’m pleased to note that they are increasingly aware of other cultures, other viewpoints and are markedly more tolerant than their own parents are. It’s the old snowball effect…

The Cliven Bundys of America are going extinct - You’ll notice that very few of the “militia” punks who showed up to act like assholes for the tee-vee cameras were ranchers themselves, and NONE of Bundy’s neighbors stepped forth to defend him; Bundy was just a chance for them to grab some media time, and they’ll abandon him just as the next opportunity to hoot and wave their guns in the air arises. The odds are that these dolts will be driven more and more into isolated pockets, and darwinism will do the rest. After all - How many decent Americans are still terrified of the “threat” posed by the hill folk of Appalachia or Arkansas ? When left alone, they keep to themselves - As these clowns will, until in-breeding finally sterilizes every last one of them.


The delicious irony of the NeoBaggers is that while NeoBaggers are railingly screeching against taxes, government spending, and the size of government itself, they collect from the same trough they so publicly scorn.

Grazing your cattle on federal land without paying the fees the law requires, and getting away with it for 20 years, is also a kind of “government subsidy,” is it not?

Therefore, Bundy would have “more freedom” if he were wearing orange and making license plates.


“This country is going so far to the right that you won’t recognize it” - John Mitchell, July 1969. Nixon’s attorney general, hatchet man and generally the Dick Cheney of his day,

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Precisely right.
Everyone’s got a crazy/racist/stupid relative. That in itself is not just cause to justify immoral or illegal behaviors towards those people. Otherwise, there will ALWAYS be just cause to abuse power.

Not to Godwin things, but at it’s best, even the ACLU has defended the rights of Nazis to demonstrate and observe the right to assemble.


It’s darkly ironic that in a post about racist/ignorant stereotypes you post all that dreck.

Well Lord, I guess since the govt accomplishes something now and then, we shouldn’t question anything it does or any expenditures it makes.

I think it’s completely fair to call out his rather obvious ignorance, but abhorrent to wish him harm for expressing an opinion. No matter how much I disagree with it or find it jaw-droppingly racist.


WOW. Bundy is not only a dangerous, freeloading jerk; he’s also a dangerous, freeloading throwback.


I wonder if Mr. Ried will admit to his own generational / cultural mistakes. Does anyone remember this one? Lol

Humbabella…I am soooo lost by your references here. To begin I am black and I don’t remember ever being offended by being called a Negro. The verbal description never fit my liking but no one asked me what I wanted to be called. No one in the 1960’s asked me either, that is, if I wanted to be called “African American”. The point is, I would be happy with just being called ‘American’ and based on the simple fact that my family has resided in this country for well over 7 generations, I believe they and I have earned the right to simply be called American.
In a previous quote you stated that you thought that Cliven had little knowledge about slave conditions and therefore could equivocate that slavery was better for the poor and destitute in Nevada. That kind of thinking is a load of crap. I am certain that the man has no difficulty in understanding what happened during the Holocaust and yet he is incapable of understanding the brutality of slavery? I’m not buying it! There are many who seek to vindicate those among us who say, think and agree with absurdities. hence the growth of Faux News, the fame and fortne of the Kardashians and other ‘celebrities’ who do nothing and yet are venerated and of course the wrath of conservative pundits that cater to the lowest common denominator of human dignity all at the behest of corporate greed. It is way past the time for the apologists among us to begin a necessary dialogue and finding ways to excuse white entitlement thoughts is clearly not the way.


Do you really think that’s the best work the ACLU has done?

Heh. I guess at least some ACLU people think so.

The notoriety of the case cost the ACLU dearly as members left in droves, but to many, it was our finest hour and has come to represent our unwavering commitment to principle

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I understand Waters’ dissatisfaction with the school system he endured, and the walls it encouraged him to build, but frankly, I always thought that bit was perfectly fair. If you have kids, I guess it’s hard not to agree.

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Speaking of “dreck”, please take a moment to look in the mirror, and you may want to read the part of the post the refers to “sarcasm”, if that doesn’t put you out too much…