Jesus Christ was an asylum seeker


Bullshit. Jesus was an American. Everybody knows that.


With an AR-15 in one hand, and a sign reading “Go Back To Mexico!” or “Why Should I Have To Pay For Your Healthcare?” or “Abortion Is Murder!” in the other hand? Shades of Supply Side Jesus there.


“Do not mistreat or oppress a foreigner, for you were foreigners in Egypt.” -Exodus 22:21

“The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt.” -Leviticus 19:34

“And you are to love those who are foreigners, for you yourselves were foreigners in Egypt.” -Deuteronomy 10:19

These passages are unequivocal. Part of being a Christian means welcoming all immigrants with open arms.


And he supported free healthcare!


Yeah, but they weren’t Mexicans. They were white people.

Well played. Matthew’s version of Christmas is usually overlooked, because it’s much darker than Luke’s. There’s a massacre of little children in there. Who wants to hear that on Christmas?


Bullshit, Egypt and Judea/Israel/Palestine/whateveryouwantohavecallledit were both part of the Roman Empire.

I’m totally pro-immigration, but truth is more important than politics.

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It did help that we was able to produce unlimited quantities of free healthcare with no effort. I guess there was a limit on how many people he could lay hands on per day but that’s starting to remind me too much of the last episode of ‘Silicon Valley’.

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An empire is a collection of nations that have been conquered or politically coerced into a union by a dominant nation. There’s a reason it was called the Roman Empire and not the Pan-Mediterranean Alliance. Egypt and Judea were distinct nations conquered by the Romans. There’s a reason that King Herod is said to be, “a Roman client king of Judea.” Egypt was a different nation with different laws and customs, except for those shared by all Roman client states. Since Herod didn’t have authority over Egypt, the supposed “Massacre of the Innocents” didn’t occur there. Hence the seeking of asylum in Egypt, another country.


Jesus was the first Murican. After all, he wrote the Constitution with George Washington and Ronald Reagan after he smited the British from atop a bald eagle at Yorktown!


The story above is probably more analogous to fleeing LA for San Francisco because the mayor of LA has sent the police after you. The message is more important than hanging on the analogy which comes through a story subjected to the Roman imperial canonization process about 350 years later leaving questions about how much official whitewashing was done.
Freeing up borders and movement of people in general; especially as asylum/refuge seekers is an important change. Asylum is a band aid solution for brutal regimes, a solution which can only be accessed by people either clever enough or with enough resources to escape while the rest are left to live or die mostly cut off from the media and the hearts of the rich nations.
Another immediate action change is to eliminate the low wage immigrant/illegal industrial complex in western nations which takes the vulnerable and often locally illiterate immigrant and assigns them the worst jobs then often humiliates and cheats them of even the local minimum wage and proper working conditions knowing that they are too weak or fearful of police to complain.

And it’s all thanks to the ‘wise men’ asking for directions. Everything would have been fine if they had just followed the early form of GPS that they were using until they got to Jerusalem (which was actually pretty accurate, but doesn’t scale very well as a system). Instead, they had to ask for directions in Jerusalem, which made them late because of course Herod didn’t know the way, so he had to gather all the chief priests and scribes of the people together to ask them. Despite all of this, their most accurate guess was Bethlehem, while the technology that the wise men were using directed them to the correct house. By the time they had finally left, the whole city knew about their business and Herod was plotting to commit genocide in Bethlehem. They were so late that the family wasn’t even staying in the stable any more. Instead of a wonderful time seeing the baby, the wise men had to sneak home without being spotted, Jesus’ family had to flee to Egypt as refugees and the whole population of a town under two years of age was brutally murdered.

You see? This is what happens when we “just stop to ask this guy for directions”. Is that what you WANT?


Well, to be honest, the only document that says any of that happened is the bible. And it can’t even be consistent in the most of the coarse details between two accounts of the same event, even when those accounts are mostly verbatim copies of each other. So…The historical accuracy can be said to be questionable at best. I’ll just be polite and leave it there. Merry Christmas, you don’t get a diatribe. That’s my gift.


Thanks for the gift! Don’t worry though, my comment had nothing to do with the veracity of the account, just its implications. Basically all of the tragic parts of the story can be traced to the wise men asking for directions.

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Yeah, you’d almost think religion is the pretext for the way many people behave, rather than the motivation. If nobody learned anything from the teachings of Jesus, then why expect anyone to learn from his birth?


And Mexico isn’t part of the American Empire?

Politics are one way communication, but I’ll share my op and then see what the other ops are. My opinion: the millions of refugees from the Lie War are worse than the KIA.

“Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves” -Leviticus 25:44 :disappointed:


in organized religion, it means believing your minister who takes his cues from a national leadership (who nobody knows) which has a political agenda, which includes the glorification of money/wealth (if you have money, God has blessed you b/c you are a good person, and implicitly, if you don’t have money you are being punished b/c you are a bad person); maintaining the power control structure of men as head of household with wife being subservient to him; the judgement and condemnation of gays while ignoring the widespread sin of marital infidelity; etc.

But basically, being a Christian today seems to involve the desire to punish others.