Krokodil, Russia's rot-your-flesh zombie dope, appears in Phoenix

Not as much as you’d think… The sensory neurons are one of the first things to go. Now, if there’s gas production and it wanders upstream to where the neurons are intact, then yes, it’s insanely painful.

From the article:

The main ingredients in krokodil are codeine, iodine, and red
phosphorous. The latter is the stuff that’s used to make the striking
part on matchboxes. Sometimes paint thinner, gasoline, and
hydrochloric acid are thrown into the mix. Like meth, it’s fairly easy
to cook up in a home kitchen. You need a stove, a pan, and about 30

Someone commented on Slashdot that what may be going on with the horrific side effects are the gasoline, paint thinner, etc. that are sometimes used to make it. If they are not purified out afterwards, that stuff circulating in your veins causes blood vessels to burst, which leads to necrosis of the surrounding tissue.

This sounds… great.

How depressingly bad does your life need to be to ingest or attempt to create this hideous stuff?

30 minutes is a lot quicker than meth, like.

I think you just need a smack habit and no smack. Turkey gets pretty bad, believe me.

By all accounts, Desomorphine itself is a perfectly respectable synthetic opiate, albeit not one in much modern use. It’s an insane waste, really. A 1930s-era codeine derivative (ie. off patent, and the synthesis route is simple enough that strung out junkies are DIYing it, albeit not well) is probably cheap as dirt if you licensed one of the major generics-slingers to make the stuff, and would have few hazards beyond the odd case of lethal-but-relatively-clean respiratory depression. Unless you just really hate junkies, this seems like a particularly good drug problem to just prescribe your way out of.

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