Let's talk about the threats the people of #GamerGate face

No that is one example, albeit worded poorly on my part.

10 articles in a single day all from interconnected (See: Gamejournospros) websites talking about the death of gamers using a similar lexicon is further evidence.

Gamesjournospros with prominent members discribing EXACTLY how they are going to craft a narrative is further evidence.

Backing a self-admitted misandrist in Samantha Allen. Yup they’ve defended and continue to defend a self-admitted bigot. But we are all told it’s a “bad thing” #GamerGate chased her out. Good riddance. Further evidence.

Not mentioning one word about the harassment, doxxing, hacking, and threats minorities and women in #GamerGate and #NotYourShield has received from Feminists and Social Justice Warriors.

Shall I go on?