Palatable dishes from McDonald's feedstock

Amazingly enough, McDonalds uses whole eggs when making Egg McMuffins. If you look at one closely you’ll notice that it still has the yolk intact and everything. The box is used to make egg biscuits though.

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I feel like throwing up whenever the rare and hapless occasion emerges when I ingest McDonalds. I haven’t figured it out - I think it might be enough salt to preserve a herd of elephants. Just don’t know.

All of McDonalds food is palatable. Stop talking like just because you don’t enjoy one particular fast food restaurant you are somehow a better person


I think it’s more to say these are the ingrediants we use, We may process it but it is real food.we aren’t just using reclaimed meat and fake food (whatever that is but some people genuinely seem to think processed food is bad because it isn’t real food, rather than food that is basically normal, just highly processed and with a lot of carbs and fats which is why it is terrible for you).

It fits in with at least some of their marketing campaigns where they’ve been big on quality of ingredients. A while ago they had a relatively long running campaign a while ago in the uk saying ‘What goes into our burgers? 100% british beef and that’s it’. They never used pink slime and reclaimmed meat in the UK. Doesn’t seem to have been the same until recently in the past in the US…

Now I don’t eat McDonalds (occasionally have a milkshake or mcflurry when hungover and someone stops there and I’m in the car) because it’s terrible for you but that’s because of the highly processed macronutrient content not because it is bad food or some sort of zombie food.

A lot of things make people sick. Rancid food (as in off/inedible due to bacteria and being left out too ong) is not the most likely of things. He could have been ill from something and eating something like a big mac would make him sick seems more likely, as does it being staged.

I’d actually say just counting short term rancid food (not food poisoning or some other form of gastroenteritis from something caught which happens basically every restaurant at some point) being served to you McDonalds of all restuarants or fast food chains is the least likely to have that problem.

This is because McDonalds burgers go from frozen to cooked in 64 or 74 seconds there is no time for them to go rancid and they aren’t left out uncooked. They aren’t left out and if there is anything like a freezer malfunction they will almost certainly have insurance to cover that loss not use off products as would have to happen to get served a rancid product… By all accounts McDonalds have some really stringent hygiene policies and certainly far better than most fast food places.

No McDonalds fan (but I do find them an interesting subject) but throwing up because a burger was rancid seems incredibly unlikely.and either something else made him throw up or it was staged seems the most lilely outcome.

Yes you are. I love Chopped, but Ted doesn’t do it for me. Nor does Mark Murphy.

A 3-d print-on-demand steampunk-banana happy-meal toy, as a tie-in for a Disney movie about Chelsea Manning (“Chelsea!”), screenplay by China Mieville and Neil Gaiman from a story by Rudy Rucker, directed by Guy Maddin, starring Isabelle Rosellini, with a chiptune-soundtrack by Die Antwoord. Graphic novel adaptation by Jamie Hewlett.

(yes, yes, paging @steampunkbanana )


Au contraire mon frère - He’s none too keen on ring-worm.

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If you’re willing to wait at the drive-through window for 30+ minutes and shell out $50+ bucks for your meal, bully for you!

All I know is my kids wouldn’t wait and wouldn’t care. They live on carbs and whatever food-jerky they stashed in their cup-holders last week.


Costumes by Bob Basset.


Did you take offense at my comment? I´m not sure. In any case, I was just wondering what message this event was supposed to send, not saying that it would be feasible for McDonalds to serve this kind of food in their restaurants from now on.

I didn’t take offense, but I did miss the quote-marks in your comment.

Fast food is crap – but we’re paying for cheap, fast crap. I prefer better, healthier food – but when we’re in a hurry, were in a hurry. :::sigh::: PLANNING!

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I don´t see where those quote marks you´re missing should supposedly be either.

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