Pope "plans to chew coca leaves during Bolivia visit"

JW. I have some stories. Quite funny actually. Let me clarify, I’m not a JW myself.

No! No! Not the Dalai. It was some hairy, smelly llama,


Somebody once said about John Paul II that “I like the Pope. The Pope smokes dope.”
But nobody at all said that about Pope Benny; Benny didn’t smoke no dope.
Francis seems to like telling the truth about things - it’s really upsetting a lot of politicians.

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The one-L lama, he’s a priest
The two-L llama, he’s a beast
And I would bet a silk pyjama
There isn’t any three-L lllama

-Ogden Nash


I had a similar experience with LSD. It really didn’t do very much. But I did watch the most amazing sunrise; the colours were so beautiful I could hardly speak.

The strength of the tea seems to make a difference.


Well they oughta, since their worth about $15 billion. I constantly wonder why the fuck tons of children in the ass against their will, and without their consent, traumatizing them for the rest of their lives, and destroying their unearned and completely undeserved reputations as “moral arbiters”, instead of hiring a few sex workers. Until I realized, they’re so fucking stingy with their nation-state amounts of wealth that they’ll fuck a kid in the ass just to save a buck.

Truly, the catholic hierarchy is the most disgusting organization in western civilization. They claim the authority of their god, while doing everything they can to hurt people who actually exist.

If I were president of the USA, I’d fucking bomb the shit out of the vatican and take all their gold and jewels, and stolen Nazi art, and return it to the rightful owners ie the Jews/gypsies the art was stolen from, and the gold gets turned into cash and re-disburst back to the world’s population in the order of who can prove they’ve given the most marginally to the Catholic church. Full refund baby. Good thing I’m not the president, huh?

I spit on llamas instinctually, thanks to my 10 year completely legal methylphenidate addiction (heh, it’s structurally and chemically nearly identical to cocaine, except it lasts much longer and is legal to prescribe to kids with ADHD)

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No matter how much he sweet talks, I’m not gonna stop hating his organization and him 'till he actually does something.

He’s a pope. Therefore he’s a professional liar whose existence is only justified by his ability to line the pockets of his church. If you want a real moral guide, then look to humanism, regardless of whether it’s secular or religious. The key principal of humanism is to figure out whether or not there is a universally justifiable reason for causing suffering to another being capable of suffering (which includes withholding relief from said suffering if you have such ability)

Just think for a minute. Has the pope reduced suffering by his dictates, or increased it (and fucking keep “god” out of it, we’re talking about the influence a man and his organization has on humans and animals). Any reasonable human would recognize that he’s caused (and allows) orders of magnitude more suffering than he prevents (and can prevent). Therefore the pope is fucking dumb as a pile of rock (I don’t think he is), or has been deceived (he’s smart enough, I don’t think he tolerates being lied to his face), or is delusional (I think he is being lied to), or evil (he chooses to interpret the truth he sees through the lies he willingly accepts). Therefore he should be stopped from saying anything to the public at all costs because idiots (ie a few billion people) take him seriously no matter how much of a mindless fucking mirror for nonsense he is.

Previous popes have used and endorsed coca wine.

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The mistake is in thinking the pope is all-powerful. There’s a gigantic machine that directs, misdirects, advises, oversees and can cut him loose without a scar, underneath him.


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