Space age design loft bed/desk for kids (1975)



More like “making-the-most-of-limited-space-age,” amirite?


Don’t lock children in tiny vaults, m’kay?

*steals picture in order to copy into real world, except with non-working wheels on the corners & non-working bucket loader on the front, that thing is perfect for it & easy to copy. I think I’ll move the ladder to the back, where it can also act a s a grill to the engine compartment accessible by the little door, (which will also store in it…, i dunno, whatever he wants)


Fantastic idea. Email me photos when completed please!

Will do, be putting in our new (old) farmhouse in the spring.

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This is such perfect design - succinct but also functional. I like the integrated ladder - looks not only like a part of the overall piece not an accessory, but also lot more functional than most bunk bed ladders. The original design is a little institutional but with some different color choices, pop a cork board behind the desk, could see this being a very happy place. I think an Ikea product for the desk area might make this go from drab to fab - not usually their biggest fan.

Also, for me, I’d lose the chair and just put the desk lower so you can sit on a cushion on the floor. More comfy, less cramped.

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Is the desk for actual work, like school work? I wouldn’t like being in that small jail like cubby hole to do anything other than play astronaut, forget being in there to memorize history.

How about the desk stretches out along the back wall giving plenty of space to pull up a real chair and not be so confined. Then you can fabricate a mission control panel that folds down over the front of the desk? Imagine something like a roll top desk under the bunk, and the roll top is the control panel.

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Check out the one on pg. 69 of counterculture architect Ken Isaac’s 1974 How to Build Living Structures:

Any way to get the actual PDF instead of a terrible Flash viewer?

Thank you for bringing up Luigi Colani, one of my personal heroes. I find him to be a woefully underappreciated highest-order genius, pure and simple, and we are lucky to still have him at 86. Google up Colani and click Images, it’s a better result than any Pinterest page I’ve ever seen.

I think of him in the same league as architect/sculptor Paolo Solari, with his comprehensive vision of a built environment where humans can interact optimally within, and fit cooperatively into, their ecosystems, all executed with sui generis modernist/organic visual language of breathtaking richness and beauty that scales effortlessly between the handheld and the global. Sadly, he passed last year at 94.

Or kickass guitarist/singer/songwriter Nick Saloman, whose all-around virtuosity gives us seemingly straight-ahead psychedelic pop/rock, but where the instruments, vocals and lyrics work together in a dynamic equilibrium I’ve never heard equaled – unlike when there’s that spot in a Radiohead song where the solo is supposed to go, or when Oscar-winning lyrics are a string of dopey cliches – Nick punches in a double-lead solo that stops you in your tracks, and creates his own cliches like Raymond Chandler high on a downer. Still a kid at 61.

Space age? I was getting a Flintstones vibe.

I only read the first sentence of @FunkDaddy’s post at first and my painkiller-addled mind thought you thought entirely the wrong thing was a fantastic idea. I really like his actual idea though.

Any way to get the actual PDF…?

Google pointed me at and if you want to try your luck.

I have some Colani-designed mice that I bought back in the early 90s. Their innards are obsolete, but they are a delight in the hand, nicer than any other mouse I’ve owned. Some day when I find a modern donor mouse with switches in the right spots for the Colani buttons I intend to do a transplant.

I’ve posted it here:

It used to be available via Pop Up City, but they seem to have moved to the terrible Flash viewer.

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