The entire Marvel Cinematic Universe, ranked

I often wonder if internet list-makers create their list and then deliberately mess it up in order to get hits and pageviews. ‘OMG Did you see that she rated the original Captain America higher than Iron Man and Guardians of the Galaxy??? NERDRAGE’ At least, I really hope that’s what she’s doing…


Tell me about it.

Highlander below Masters of the Universe?

And Krull at 17? Where the hell is Time Bandits?


When I first saw this article I thought, who cares what you think are the best Marvel efforts? But I’m a comic book fan at heart and like geeking out over these topics so I took the bait. Then the article made me mad enough to create an account to comment on the article.

It mainly made me angry because it reminded me that Iron Man 3 was a movie, and that it was made by Marvel. It was by far the worst movie Marvel has made thus far. I only found out some people like it by reading this article and then googling other people’s comments on it. The story makes no sense, and they ruined a classic Marvel villain. Sure he probably had questionable origins, but he was a bad-ass, and he was going to be played by Ben Kingsley?! how exciting that would have been.

Guardians of the Galaxy is also way too far down on the list. I’m interested in some of the responses here that saw the Star-Lord character as a douche. I’m guessing they’re from the UK(?) I don’t think anyone in America would consider that character a douche. We’re probably using different working definitions. I thought Chris Pratt was awesome in that role. It actually almost ruined his role as Andy for me when “Park and Rec” returned.

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I have to discount this list for putting Guardians so low on the list.

Wait, Rocket wasn’t the main Character?


Well, the director’s comments about the movie certainly make it sound like he considers Rocket the main character.

Just to be totally clear: I don’t think Star-Lord is a douche. Sorry if that was badly phrased. I have friends who loathed the movie because they declared Star-Lord a “womanizing douche”. I think those people are idiots.

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But you also said they’re your friends? Color me confused.

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The weird part is that Rocket definitely was. And nothing like the character I remember from the 80s.

I read that as a conflation of “Skye” and “hype” because of how the show has gone out of its way to hype the worst character on it. YMMV, of course.

I was more joking about my own blind spots that I would see an anthro character more than the human characters.

But it is true that Rocket has the better story arc in that movie and he really is the heart of it.

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Seems more of a plus than a minus, especially as the opposite is often held against films that are too much about pointless spectacle.

I loved the first Avengers, but I never felt that fan-obsession to collect every Avengers-related thing I could find (a friend of mine did, and those characters are like her babies). However, when I saw Guardians of the Galaxy… that was the end for me, I needed to see it in the theatre repeatedly, and just couldn’t get enough. I love the utter Skeletor-level simplicity of Ronan. I became an instant fan of Karen Gillan before I’d even gotten a chance to meet Amy Pond (and now that I have, doubly so). I’ve never watched more than a few scattered episodes of The Walking Dead, but Michael Rooker’s Yondu is one of my favorite elements of the movie.


I assume that this is simply an outtake from an episode of The Big Bang Theory? Probably cut because it crossed the line and made they Sheldon and team look more pathetic than nerdy?

Quill’s issue was that he was essentially Peter Pan: an overgrown child, flying around in a world of pirates. His failings in how he treated women were evidence of that immaturity. Like Tony Stark, he’s probably forever going to be an ass–the only thing he’s beginning to learn by the end of the film is some sense of responsibility toward people other than himself. But to the people who deride the movie because of how he starts out–well, you cannot have a character arc if your character is perfect to begin with. That’s not reasonable.


I must have been confused by her amazing hacker abilities! (Thanks for the catch by the way, I fixed it.)

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Yup, that’s totally the subtle commentary I was going for. Definitely not a typo. Nope. Definitely not.

But yes, why is everyone so obsessed with Skye/Skype? Particularly Ward. Dude needs to learn to let things go.

Unfortunately, you’ll have to blame this one on my (admittedly) eclectic tastes rather than my desire to stir up trouble. I stand by this list 100%, but I do really enjoy seeing how much people disagree on MCU rankings. I’ve yet to find two identical lists, which is pretty cool.

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The world would be so boring if we all agreed on everything.

That said I’ve still not met anyone that would rank Iron Man 2 above Iron Man 1, so maybe that is the one thing we can all agree on. I’m the only one in my circle of friends that ranks Iron Man 3 above the others, so I take this article as a vindication of my position there.

I actually think the movie’s biggest problem is that Quill wasn’t enough of a douche. I know a lot of people compare him to Han Solo, but Han works because I actually believe he’s going to abandon the rebels after he gets paid (which is why it’s so awesome when he comes back). At no point in Guardians do I think Quill is in danger of not doing the right thing. Sure he’s a little selfish and flirty, but he’s basically a kind, bumbling manchild for the whole movie. Other than gaining some friends, he doesn’t have much of an arc. Starting him off as more of a jerk would have been a better choice. (And it’s why Rocket is a much more interesting character.)


True Iron Man 2 and Hulk are almost always on the bottom, but Iron Man 3 is really the only total wildcard. I obviously like it, but I’ve seen it on the bottom of a lot of lists too. The Mandarin reveal is particularly divisive I think.