The irrefutable link between Dungeons and Dragons and human sacrifice

And Romans accused Christians, Christians accused Jews and other Christians, Victorian Christians and Hindus accused Hijras, and so on. And if we include other false accusations about preying on children, then cissexists and heterosexists accuse trans folks, gay man, and lesbian womyn. It’s not like these are uncommon accusations.


Why didn’t they just come up with a Christian RPG?

  • subject alleges to have been heavily involved in metal, d+d, and satanism
  • possessed of the thickest southern accent you’ve ever heard


why couldn’t he have been from Idaho or something :frowning:

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They did. Look up Dragon Raid, among others.

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I figured that might be the case. I was also afraid it was the case. :\

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These moral panics can have real consequences when gullible or unscrupulous prosecutors get involved and see a chance for career building.

Right now the person whose lack of interest in campaigning for the Senate handed Te Kennedy’s seat to Scott Brown and the Republican party is running for MA Governor. She built her career as attorney general on high profile cases involving BDSM and alleged daycare abuse that grabbed big headlines but were based on remarkably little actual evidence and in the Paddleboro case were nothing more than the bigotry of a narrow minded prosecutor.

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When “he was having sex with all the women to breed sacrifice babies”…LOL…um yeah i can totally tell he has had sex before. :wink:


According to their terms, they are lying. Zealots do not believe on innocent mistakes, we are just holding them to their standard.


The voters have spoken, we will be tough on the wrongfully convicted. I wonder how many of those voters retired down to Arizona and keep voting in Arapaio?


There’s an interesting paragraph in the introduction of a book called ‘The Buddhist Atheist’ by Stephen Bachelor. (bear with me, this is from memory)

He and several other Tibetan monks witness a magic spell cast by another monk to banish the rain over the Dalai Lama who was speaking to a crowd in Northern India. They were all discussing how powerful this guy’s magic and how miraculous it was, and even though Bachelor knew it was merely a coincidence or natural phenomenon, he still went along with it and even tried to convince himself it was true.

I think there is a large dollop of that with these people - in their hearts they must know they are misguided, but the story they invent with each other reinforces their group identity so they suppress their rational doubts. It’s more self deception than a wish to deceive others.


Given that the future doesn’t seem to work either, I don’t think you have grounds for one.


If you play it backwards, you can hear him summoning up Jeebus.

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You weren’t playing it right!

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Dude, this is D&D we’re talking about. Not Call of Cthulu. Though by the looks of it, most Americans failed their sanity rolls.


Insanity rolls? I dunno, whaddaya put in insanity rolls?

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‘What influence did heavy metal have in your decent into Satanism?’

This bit of unintentional irony speaks loud.

What galls me most about these philistines is the combination of vast levels of ignorance and smug self-satisfaction.

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(Speaking of heavy metal)

Fair call


Octopus (now includes mercury! Thanks, humans!)

It’s obviously a recursive process - more insanity, more contamination.

Some friends of mine regularly played D&D in what was supposed to be electronics class. (The instructor was an old hippie who’d spend the class sitting in his office listening to Steely Dan, and occasionally we’d notice an interesting smell, but that’s another story.) One day there was a substitute teacher in the class who told my friends D&D was the Devil’s work, that it was corrupting America, and that they must all be on drugs and practicing Satanism.

My friend Michael, the straight-A student, did a small research project that night. He went to the school library first, then the public library. He came to class next day with two or three hand-written pages about D&D’s positive effects, and photocopied articles to back him up.

The substitute was gone, so he never saw it, and he never would have believed it anyway. There’s a small part of me that wants to believe the substitute was using reverse psychology, that he wanted my friends to do research. But from my experience I seriously doubt it.