This Day in Blogging History: Rob Ford smokes crack; danah boyd on kids' net usage; Scalzi's advice to LGBT newlyweds


This Day in Blogging History: Rob Ford smokes crack;  Rob Ford smokes crack;  Rob Ford smokes crack

One year ago today

Gawker reporter claims to have seen video of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford smoking crack:
Gawker’s John Cook was contacted by a tipster who offered to sell him a
video of Toronto mayor Rob Ford smoking crack for more than $40K.

Five years ago today

Gawker reporter claims to have seen video of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford smoking crack:
 Gawker’s John Cook was contacted by a tipster who offered to sell him a
 video of Toronto mayor Rob Ford smoking crack for almost $4K.

Ten years ago today

Gawker reporter claims to have seen video of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford smoking crack:
 Gawker’s John Cook was contacted by a tipster who offered to sell him a
 video of Toronto mayor Rob Ford smoking crack for $40.

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You forgot:


Gawker reporter claims to have seen video of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford smoking crack:
Gawker’s John Cook was contacted by a tipster who offered to sell him a
video of Toronto mayor Rob Ford smoking crack for more than $40K.

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I’m slow to pick up on the news. But I heard that Rob Ford smoked crack?

yes, but he doesn’t have a drug problem, he has a drinking problem, which causes him to make poor decisions… like taking drugs.


At least he is alive to live it down.

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