Trump admits that he is a deviant, obviously

Which is exactly in character for the guy, and what he seemed to be saying with his little “whatever” joke.


No, but when you have a history of vulgar, inflamatory, sexist, abusive, and insulting banter, when you make a comment that doesn’t on its face appear to make any sense at all, but could be interpreted as a bizarre menstruation joke at least as plausibly as anything else, you aren’t likely to get much benefit of the doubt.

So yeah, maybe this time he meant something slightly less offensive than what people imagine. Even under the most charitable interpretation he was still being an absolute asshole, and I don’t feel sorry for him at all.


May FSM bless all you BoingBoingers whose innate sense of linguistics, rhetoric and/or pride in your own abilities of discernment compel you to defend this ridiculous statement.


The phrase pig in a poke is a reference to the scheme in which there isn’t actually a pig in the poke. This isn’t Schrödinger’s pig. The phrase is irrelevant if there is actually a pig in the poke because then you got what you paid for and there’s no cause for complaint or feeling stupid for not looking in the bag before agreeing to the purchase.

A better phrase might have been, “Never wrestle with a pig. You both get dirty but the pig likes it.” That seems to be apropos for Trump.


So you think he is always incompetently trying to say the most evil thing possible?

It’ll just put more puppies in the sausage machine. (I thinks that’s how you say it)

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Well, it works for the Republicans.

Being the Republican Id isn’t any easy job; the competition is brutal.


It was right there on the tip of my… ah, dammit…

Wikipedia’s ‘pig in a poke’ entry notes:

The idiom pig in a poke can also simply refer to someone buying a low-quality pig in a bag because he or she did not carefully check what was in the bag.

although the source of the reference is absent. Here’s an interpretation from Pig in a poke - Idioms by The Free Dictionary

An item bought without prior inspection. A poke is a “bag.” Purchasing something that you’ve not seen is the basis of the image—you don’t know the condition of the pig in the bag until after you’ve bought it. It may be exactly what was advertised, or it may be something much worse than what the seller described—the swine!

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I think Trump’s strategy is sound: in order to win the GOP primaries he has to lock up the white male misogynist vote.

You know. . . the GOP base.


Totally OT, but am I right about the reference?:

So, I didn’t realize this was an out loud statement and not just a tweet.

If you listen to him his intonation does sound like he might be a devious pervert.

Well, The Donald, as a woman, that’s the first thought that came to my mind. Guess I’m a deviant. Who knew?

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“Conclusively prove” is the standard that people like Trump get to apply to themselves while the rest of us get judged on things we say based on how other people react and whether it was sensitive or not.

We are not criminal prosecuting him, we don’t need to convince 12 of his peers beyond a reasonable doubt. And frankly, if we did, given that Eric Erickson thinks that’s what me meant, we might even be able to do that.


Shirt time?

It was foretold:

Cu Chulainn, the Hound of Ulster, when the blood lust was upon him had a fountain of blood shoot from his head. That’s Irish legend from the Tain Bo Cuailnge, probably around 1500 years ago.
He was probably red haired too…Trump was just doing transference. Not that I would suggest that he was in any way like a legendary murderous psychopath who in the end died fighting an imaginary enemy. Cu Chulainn is presented as a tragic hero, not a bombastic anti-hero.

But I think I was trying to get at was.

I guess my point is that Trump says a lot of things, more than enough to judge him on. Why not rip those apart?

Those statements do actually point to him being a misogynist asshole but it also amounts to him being the only republican that openly talks about how money buys politicians and bought politicians have to come to his wedding and kiss his ass.

Also, is a menstruation joke worse than saying that a woman should die in a situation where only an abortion can save her life? That’s a real question. It would be great if political debates led to genuine discussion of issues and that opinion wasn’t driven by scandal and innuendo. In this regard political correctness does seem to be counter productive if it means nothing of substance is discussed.

Well, one thing is that I doubt that we can say anything of substance has been discussed at these debates for YEARS, at least since the league of women voters stopped running them.

This doesn’t mean we should ignore one kind of sexism for a worse kind. Yes, given that there still seems to be something of a shame culture around menstruation means that we should talk about sexist statements about it… That’s like saying we can only talk about the worst thing ever at any given time.

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