TV's Al Roker walks into camera

The internet is a study in how f*ing gullible people are.

Yeah, it does seem faked now that I watched it againā€“the way he brings his hand up, then does a little stagger. Should have known he was a kidder, after that fake weatherman routine heā€™s been doing all these years. Oh, Al!

@popobawa4u - 'zat you?

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What is happening, muchachoids?

What, ā€œan automaton devoid of normal human reactionsā€? Oh pleaseā€¦ I have encountered such comparisons countless times. People often think of me in uncanny valley terms, mostly because I fidget a lot less than they do. And the more uncertain they feel, the more they fidget.

Many people (Westerners, mostly) seem to claim that the more extraneous emotional and physical activity they experience, the more liberated and less robotic they are. Some, such as G.I Gurdjieff and many Easterners seem to feel the opposite - that peopleā€™s tendency to rely upon pre-programmed emotional and physical routines is quite robotic, and that the discipline of stilling these can enable a person to live with more choice.

(No idea what a ā€œTVā€™s Al Rokerā€ isā€¦)

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