Video of House stenographer getting yanked from floor after outburst, as lawmakers vote to end shutdown

You’re trying to parse a crazy person’s speech?
Well, it’s easier than trying to parse a Ted Cruz speech.

I see the meaning in a different direction. The entire bible basically revolves around Matthew 22:37-39, says Matthew 22:40:

[quote=“Matthew 22:37-40”]37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
To me, that suggests the entire bible should be read in the light of these two commandments. If something doesn’t make sense in the light of these two commandments, you’re probably reading it wrong.

The tax situation is made even clearer in Romans 13:6-7:

Really, the Tea Party seems to be reading some kind of “opposite bible”.

(Before you think I’m advocating blind obedience to the government, I’m actually a big fan of civil disobedience. But only if there’s clear injustice that needs to be addressed. Democracy means the government should be accountable to us, so what we owe the government is not just taxes, but also direction. And the government owes us accountability. But that’s never an excuse for not paying your taxes, and I certainly don’t believe government is inherently evil. But a good government needs to serve.)


And you believe all the charges leveled at him at his trial? Had he actually opposed paying taxes, Pilate would surely have found it much easier to punish him.

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Apparently standing at the speakers podium in the House compells people to start shouting.

Sounds like the next episode of Warehouse 13 or some sideshow to a new Laundry book by Charlie.


You sure?


I do find it hard to believe that the Church and State of his day would partner up to kill a guy that was traversing the countryside telling people to pay their taxes.

And he never denied it. :wink:

The Epistle to the Romans was written by Paul. As Paul never met or knew Jesus (according to the fable, anyway), I’m not sure why his opinions have any bearing on what Christ may have said or didn’t say.

The presence of Simon the Zealot among the apostles might be a clue as to where Jesus stood on taxes:


I, for one, welcome our Illuminati Trillionaire Lizard People Overlords.


Hmm, I wonder if there is some other underlying issue that is happening here. I had a girlfriend who was perfectly normal on most days, but if she did not take her bi-polar/schizophrenia medication, things like this would happen, but only under stress inducing conditions; like being on a crowded bus or or if we had an argument, it was like a switch one moment fine the next Bam! she would about about the Lizard People, the really odd part was she also would go on about Freemasons, and being spied on, with lasers etc. seems to be a common theme with people with these disorders.

See I personally like my “secret societies” to actually stay secret, Freemasons are pretty good at it, so much so “back-country know-nothings” think they must be up to something.

Like at least a couple of others I thought he was kidding, but then I look at the way things have been going lately and I realize it’s impossible to distinguish sarcasm from reality anymore.


In other news, apparently, Obama is the Antchrist. Not sure how anteaters should react.


First and only in this iteration. I’ve had words with pspinrad in prior bb forums (forii?).

But yeah,


I think capitol hill must be a rather stress-inducing place at the moment. Having to listen to the insane gibberish of each of the representatives for two weeks while they decide the fate of 800,000 people would sure be enough to send me on a psychotic break. I wonder if that lady is being paid to carry out her duties, or if her salary is furloughed and she’s volunteering her time. I hope there are no repercussions over it, such as losing her job.

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Seems pretty certain that she’ll at least be moved off the floor.

Well, if SOMEONE would finally just DO SOMETHING about the Freemasons, then this outburst would never have happened! Right?

I suggest that the only group powerful enough to take back control of the world from the Freemasons would have to be some kind of secret cabal with members in places of power throughout the world.

Well, I’m not wearing any pants, so that part about “all that has been covered will be laid bare” sure seems prescient.

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Wait, what’s the difference? I’m confused again.

I spoke with a family member the other day who was not furloughed, and she hasn’t been paid for her work since September 30. The stenographer is likely in the same boat. The difference is my family member doesn’t have a mortgage (home is paid off), car payment, kids in day care or any other large, monthly expenses.

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I, too, am entirely naked. How perceptive of that person, able to spot my hairy erase from a quintillion kilometers away. Or perhaps Cthulhu told him…

Not “erase”, I meant “erase” but my spool chucked decided it was a tripping errol%.

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