Visit to the aquarium does not go as expected

Not this one. That’s why I have my job.

I think it probably depends a lot on the institution though. I was just reading about pangolins, and how they are becoming more and more rare due to hunting, and a market for their flesh as a food and remedy. As a result there are efforts to re-release them that have not had the greatest success. But still, they’re efforts. People won’t care for the most part. People are horrible. Most people don’t even care if other people die terrible deaths or even want them to. So I don’t think asking people not to delight in suffering will get very far with a certain segment of humanity (not that it isn’t worth asking). Perhaps with more money going to, like, actual research then zoos could be more about learning and less about entertaining oneself with the smell of piss and the dull look of infinite boredom in another animal’s eyes.

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