What happened to the man who made canned rattlesnake?


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Peanut brittle cans with the spring snakes that jump out at you—everyone knows that.

What you do is remove the snakes…and replace them with real peanut brittle. After a few weeks the victim will become conditioned to expect peanut brittle.

Then replace the snakes.


I feel compelled to post this one:

Hi, I’m Liz


I actually like to use the summer snakes instead of spring snakes, I find that the extra season of maturity gives them stronger venom.


I remember reading about canned rattlesnake meat in “The Family Nobody Wanted”. I had wondered where the can came from. Thanks!

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OK, I admit it. I clicked to find out where to buy some…
Take my money, dammit!

Was anybody surprised at what happened to the man?

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