Woman and companion kangaroo booted from McDonald's

The idea of support animals seems strange to me. If a person needs to carry around a pet in order to keep their emotions stable, what will happen in a few years when that pet dies? The person will be devastated beyond belief. It seems that support animals should be restricted to parrots, tortoises, or any other creature that is likely to outlive its pet human.


Fuck that. Let’s go whole hog on this. Support animals should be large enough that they can physically, in addition to emotionally, support the person. These animals should be limited to rhinos, elephants, whales, gorillas, hippos and the like. And Great White Sharks, too. Most definitely.



Made me think of this:


Sad, but probably inevitable.

Roos are also a vector for salmonella - more so than regular McDonald’s food - so folks probably shouldn’t be bringing them into the restaurant, or at least not uncooked :-0


I dislike human’s compulsion to make human habitats human only. It doesn’t work this way for the rest of the world, and is a recipe for nil genetic diversity and ecological collapse. Granting non-human animals full citizenship must be a priority.

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No probably about it…

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I cannot un-see that picture.

Fortunately, I don’t want to.


There really is such a thing as Guide Pony for the blind - though that’s a completely different thing than an “Emotional Support Pony” or some such.

so they’re trying to get the con to recognize them as support animals.

Seems to me that there’s a vibrant middle ground about to be squeezed out.

Everything which is not forbidden is compulsory
–TH White: the once and future king

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Are you proposing that we fuck our support animals?

EDITED for clarity of jest


kill them and eat them, in order that they may be spared the humiliation of having to “support” a parasitic species.

Why all the hostility to support animals? I don’t think I’ve ever encountered this phenomenon before, so maybe I’m missing something. Once in a while I see someone walking around with a parrot or an iguana, but it’s not like I see a zoo in the line at Starbucks. If the animals are reasonably well behaved and well treated, what’s the problem?


Far be it from me to get between consenting organisms. Although be aware that cross-species coupling is unlikely to have any effect upon either participants genetic lineage.

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Well as long as she posts signs that she washes the Kangaroos paws…


Booted. Kicked. They’ll Roo the day this happened, and we’ll finally see how deep their pockets are.


Yah that’s funny and all, but having known people who have relied on “support animals” for emotional continence, especially spectrum disorders, I think it’s a little insensitive to belittle their needs. One can question the legitimacy of having any animal as a support animal, or the fact that some people fake their needs, but I don’t think its right to dismiss the whole idea of support animals in general.


Please take that comment as mostly snark, because in the confines of one’s home people will have a constellation of support animals. My closest friend has long credited his dog with saving his life due to the unquestioning love it clearly shows for him and only him, but he doesn’t take the dog into the local fast food eatery because he has more sense than that. I’ve also had the misfortune to know people who made a “service dog” bib for their untrained mutt so they could take it into shops and restaurants without being stopped by owners or authorities.
I’m not saying folks can’t have an animal that supports them in their particular disorders, but I believe that if those same people want to take their animals into non-public commercial enterprises, or, frankly, even public buildings, then they need to play by the same rules as the service animal people. And to me, that means clearly identifying the animal’s function in that regard so there’s no question why that person is bringing their freakin kangaroo, or walrus, or whatever animal wherever they like.
And a quick thought–part of this issue also has to do with bringing the kangaroo into an establishment where food is served. I’m sure kangaroos are as clean as the driven snow, but hygiene is a concern in that regard.
So, again, a little snark with no intention of dismissing someone’s emotional needs. But those needs have to be balanced by the needs of the community as well. And a kangaroo in Mickie D’s just sounds a little fucken crazy to me.

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