Woman eats 4.5lb steak in less than 3 min

The celebration of glutton and waste.



I laughed! I ate my fair share of chicken necks and … cow tongue, cow tails, hearts (all kinds) and chicken gizzards growing up as a kid. The adults ate them too, in Appalachia (google is your friend). You sell what anyone will pay good cash for and eat whats left. No one pays poor people not to grow food in the US … that’s a rich man’s tax credit. That dog don’t hunt, hun.

Its not so much a fascination with gluttony, or youtube would be full of videos of people who starved their dogs for a few days then filmed them eating wet dogfood (disclaimer: maybe youtube is, I didn’t check). It’s the blatantly obvious spectacle of conspicuous consumption. A mega-yacht is also extreme, obvious, conspicuous consumption. Not to mention no one wants to give all the poor kids their own yachts! Culturally, this eating thing is the middle class’s version of the mega-yacht.

Hungry kids aside, a post glorifying a version of competitive conspicuous consumption seems oddly off tone for this site. Surprising enough to shock me out of lurking.


Only parts of it.

I was just thinking that I’d hate to be her toilet the following day…

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Just look at statistics like income disparity, voting problems, educational standards, etc. compared to the rest of the so called industrialized nations.


The irony is, today all the pieces of meat you ate as a child in Appalachia (and are eaten world wide in poorer circumstances) are newly discovered by chefs and served in some of the best restaurants around the world. I cooked beef tongue for Christmas dinner. Delicious!


If I ate meat and wanted to eat beef tongue, the taqueria a block away has it, as do most of the local Mexican restaurants. There aren’t any good Jewish delis around here, but I suspect the German meat store has it as well.

I think the reference to the farm bill was about how they’ve taken Food Stamps for poor people out of it, but can still afford that rich man’s tax credit (or rich agribusiness corporation’s tax credit.) That dog hunts just fine.


What you bullies don’t seem to realize is that she had to win the contest because her sister has pancreatic cancer and need the surgery right away. This was the only way she could earn the money because she is not allowed to work because the Republicans and Obama got together and made a special law against her sister just for reasons and now this contest ermines the only hope for her sister who has six children and a husband in the armed forces risking his life for your freedom to bitch about a young lady doing her best to save a family member.

For shame.


Quite a few areas: Infant mortality, per capita incarceration, education, income disparity, health care, etc.

Of course there are other areas where it is doing just fine, so it is probably more of a second world country when you average it out… :slight_smile:


…but you’d be fine with it any other day? :slight_smile:


This should help tie over all you Walking Dead fanatics for a little while.

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Oh Christ, as if the world gets up every day and goes to work just because they feel like it. One of my best friends was out there freelancing a full schedule for about three years while dying of inoperable cancer.

Or polenta, which is what people ate when they were too poor to have pasta. but now it’s hip.

How about the many forms of blood pudding?


Zungenwurst is a staple at the meat counter of every german supermarket.

Its like NASCAR for non-drivers!

A workmate asked me if Black Pudding was Halal and then couldn’t get his hat on when I told him what actually goes in to it.


I can’t stop giggling :slight_smile:

That looks delicious.

She’d make a kick ass zombie. Om nom slobber brains.