Woman posts others' judgments on her appearance with and without make-up

So in other news, other people are still the worst.


Yes, culture of judgment and shame is a good phrase since so many insults can resonate as gendered references — that rely for their force on a history of narratives that silence and objectify based on gender. Even the expectation that makeup (or its absence) is for the benefit of someone else looking is primarily meaningful by reference to past narratives about gender.

Even many of the most popular terms used to insult men are actually misogynist in nature. “Son of a bitch” and “bastard” both insult a man by impugning the honor of his mother. No one insults a woman by calling her a “daughter-of-a-dick.”

Our culture is so steeped in sexism that we don’t even have the vocabulary to insult each other equally.


Youtube comments are the worst. Google+ integration didn’t make it better. Nothing will make them better.

They will never get better.


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