10 killed in Dayton mass shooting

Emphasis on “part”.




So, I’ve been seeing claims elsewhere on the net that this guy was “far left” politically. I’m rather suspicious about that, it seems like blatant blame-shifting by the usual suspects, but I’m not going to go around looking for evidence one way or another. Anyone else here has seen this, and do you have any idea about the validity of the claims?



I’m local. It’s coming out that he was a serious bully of women in high school, enough to get disciplined for his behavior, (which in boys-will-be-boys Ohio is no joke) and apparently killed his sister and her boyfriend first, before beginning his spree. Right now motivation appears to be racist incel. There are misogynist killers on the left as well but I think it’s unlikely.


I don’t call that left.


Their twitter supposedly says that they were a Democrat voting SocDem. That’s not far left by any definition. They also got kicked out of their school for having a rape list.

I’m not going to verify other peoples claims because my mental heath is not good at the moment.


Sorry, you don’t get to no-true-Scotsman away society wide problems. Plenty of sexisim to go around the whole political spectrum.


I have talked in depth on the BBS about the Comrade Delta rape scandal in the British Socialist Workers Party, I do not deny that there are shit people across the political spectrum. However, claiming that social democrats are far left is like claiming people from Yorkshire are Scotsmen, something that will have both groups protesting bitterly over the claims.


I’m not surprised that the claims I’ve seen seem to be bullshit. Just wanted to hear if people here has better information. :slight_smile:

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I’m just going to say fuck off right now with that. There’s no space for laying out bullshit claims, and then waiting for people to disprove them, while they stay in the dialogue for who knows how long.


What bullshit claim are you disputing? That sexisim is prevalent in society regardless of political affiliation? Or that social democrats aren’t far left? I agree with the latter. The frantic attempts to ascribe this guy to the radical left are both-siderisim by republicans who are realizing they went a little far with the dog whistles and got people shot in Texas.
I’m afraid I don’t have any studies about sexisim on the left handy in my back pocket, just a lifetime of experience. And I spent this morning frantically trying to find out if my people who work night shifts on that street where it went down were okay, so forgive me if I’m a bit raw in my assessment.

Well, your “lifetime of experince” could be in fact correct, or not. It has no bearing on the topic, unless you’re trying to distract. Dig?

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Thank you Kathy, that backs up what I’d been hearing.

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I don’t understand your beef since I never stated that this guy was a leftist only that it was possible, if unlikely. But go on telling a woman to shut up about sexisim while discussing a mass murderer who had a rape list, that’s a good look.


I’m saying I don’t know why the “possibility” is something to be entertained. Facts are good things.

May have been, is not helpful.

(Men on either side of the political spectrum can be shit. I’m not arguing with you about that. This is just not anywhere in alignment with being "leftist.)

Fair enough. Other people were saying they’d heard that he was some radical leftist, and being local, I passed on that I hadn’t heard that, and what I had heard about him and his motivations. Kathy so kindly gave a citation that I was too tired and frazzled to provide.


It’s a shitty time in the US. Appologies from me, and sympathy, for this never ending crap.


Apology accepted.


There is no reason these should be legal or available.