10 killed in Dayton mass shooting

doesnt matter, this is going to be ugly; according to heavy.com (yeah, I know, I know), he described himself as “leftist” and wrote

I want socialism

and after parkland for example

@robportman hey rob. How much did they pay you to look the other way? 17 kids are dead. If not now, when?

please dont ask me, I have no idea, Im just wtf.

#2016ElectionIn3Words This is bad,” he wrote on Nov. 8, 2016 (he did follow Trump’s page). “You can’t kill 50+ people and injure 600(!) In 10 minutes with cigarettes my dude,” he wrote in 2017. In response to a Buzzfeed story that read, “Virginia has declared a state of emergency in anticipation of the ‘Unite the Right’ rally anniversary in Charlottesville this weekend,” he wrote: “Kill every fascist.”…He shared posts of people outed for possibly being at a KKK rally in Dayton and wrote, “Know your enemies.”…He shared posts about “concentration camps” at the border and wrote, “Cut the fences down. Slice ICE tires. Throw bolt cutters over the fences.”

this is likely going to be the “proof” for the rightwingers that the antifa are indeed a bunch of “terrorists”, no matter how absurd that actually is.

call me paranoid, but this feels more and more like the US heading towards some kind of civilwar. he seemend to follow some twitter-threads dealing with el paso…well, lets say, I dont want to put my tinfoilhat on to think about this clusterfuck one more second, otherwise I would get just even more paranoid.


I could do with one of those hats Right Now.

Remove the identity and politics and what do you have?

Technically there is “no way to prevent this” if we’re taking things off the table like meaningful changes to legislation and to our culture. Our nation has for a very long time been awash with firearms, and the checks on access to them have grown criminally lax.

It’s easy to think banning firearms and/or ammo would be enough. It would probably be a good start, but without buy bucks or confiscation the bans are ineffective. Without changes to our culture and society as a whole we won’t see an end to violent mass attacks.


If you click through the link you’ll see that it’s in reference to a grim running joke on The Onion. It goes directly to your point about the unwillingness to make changes to legislation and culture.


Definitely an odd contrast; I was thinking that one shouldn’t be surprised for the occasional shooter that also happens to subscribe to socialism being a solution to whatever dead-end life they think they’re stuck in (the El Paso terrorist was also a little anti-capitalist), but to show concern for shooting victims and interned refugees is a little odd for a bully who selfishly murders his sister and nine others.

Have to wonder if this is going to wind up as an incel mass killing rather than a white supremacist mass killing. How fucked are we when we get to choose between groups determined to kill us?


The venn diagram between those two groups is practically a circle


Incremental improvement over the status quo isn’t what’s killing us when it comes to gun violence. Political paralysis regarding ANY changes to the status quo is.


Anti-capitalism is not the same as socialism. There are reactionaries/neo-feudalists who want an end to enlightenment ideas, and both capitalism and socialism came from the enlightenment. The El Paso shooter came from that line of thinking.


Still follows the same pattern: 1. male, 2. white, 3. history of violence against women.


The only thing a white incel hates more than seeing a white woman to whom he thinks he’s entitled with a white man is seeing her with an African-American one. The entire “manosphere” sector of the alt-right is shot through with white supremacist ideology as much as it is with Libertarianism (which is to say, it’s pervasive).


I hear that the Head Cheese himself says it’s the fault of those dang video games and mentally ill people. But not guns. After all, guns don’t pull their own triggers. Just imagine if they could?

He “demands regulation of violent video games” but I don’t see anything about providing affordable mental health care. Just having social media services “detect mass shooters before they strike” which is some awesome Minority Report level stuff, right there. Imagine the fish that net would catch. Every dingus posing shirtless with his fucking assault rifle. That may cost him some votes.

I fucking hate all of this. Every bit. From the people that profit from it all the way down to the people that fall for it. It’s the same dog & pony show with slightly different dogs and ponies.

Nothing changes because this is how they want it to be. If they wanted it to be different, it would be changed.


More specifically, (I have read that) he was anti-corporation, automation, and immigration. In short, anything he could blame on taking jobs away from him. My point was that the Daytona mass murderer likely shared a precarious and unsatisfying employment situation in common with the El Paso terrorist, to which socialism is a promising cure. I’m not sure which is more surprising; that he had the good sense to choose the right ideology to subscribe to despite being a mass-murdering fuckhead, or that more shooters don’t dally with it before committing mass-murder-suicide.

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Oh, “let’s expand the death penalty.” Yeah, the prospect of capital punishment totally would have discouraged a bunch of mass murderers who A) committed capital crimes in states that have the death penalty already and B) almost certainly expected to die in the course of the attack, either from police gunfire or by their own hands.


To clarify, they were influenced by this book.

It is as anti-socialist as it is anti-capitalist.

Most socialist groups would look out for and support someone who looks like they would do something like that, tell them that it is a bad idea and direct them towards useful praxis that doesn’t involve shooting people. They would support them a long time before too.

Maybe they wouldn’t if they were in a group of insurrectionist anarchists, but it doesn’t look like the Dayton arsehole was, from what we know.


Yes, I’m listening. Please go on.

Okay. And the down side here is… ?

/s, kind of. I’m against surveillance (social media or otherwise), but the idea of social media surveillance scooping up a bunch of white supremacist / incel / ammosexuals is too schadenfreude for me not to enjoy.

Right, and I expect he wasn’t involved with any socialist groups; he was probably just an armchair socialist, tweeting support and agreement but not joining in. Or maybe I’m just projecting since my only involvement is commenting in threads on the BBS without revealing any intentions of my own.


Kinda my point. His suggestion would end up poking his base. But if that’s what it takes to topple him from his perch, yay?


Yeah, in practice he’d just scream “fake news/bias!” when the social media companies reported that the vast majority of users who fit the profile were Trump supporters. And the rest of the party would back him up.

Not unlike what happened when that DHS report came out 10 years ago suggesting the country was on the precipice of a new wave of far-right violence.