10 places around the world you're not allowed to visit

Right, saying that non-believers wouldn’t be able to resolve their agnosticism with archeological proof of the original Ten Commandments is kind of like saying non-Muslims wouldn’t be able to cope with seeing the first edition of the Qur’an.

Believers and non-believers alike can surely agree that someone wrote this stuff down for the first time, the point of contention is what if any role God had in the process.


Right, which for archaeologists, that should be immaterial, as their job is not about finding proof of god, but of digging up evidence of the past and establishing facts about the past based on that evidence. The Jewish people existed and had laws which were indeed written down. It’s the role of theology to decide what those laws meant in relation to some kind of divine authority/figure/etc, but that doesn’t mean a physical artifact couldn’t exist.


One guy managed it.


Even in Raiders of the Lost Ark Indy is skeptical about the divine nature of the artifact until it starts melting Nazis.


Well. I’ve never been to paradise but, as my therapist alleges, I’ve also never been to me - a most dangerous environment.


You’d think he would have learned to be more open-minded by then, considering his encounter with Shiva’s magic rocks in 1935.


Some people are saying this was an attempt to stage Fyre Festival II.

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I make my own.


if the Ark is in Ethiopia and still has the power to melt Nazis, can we borrow it in the US for a few weeks? Maybe long enough for a nationwide tour?

if the Ark was in Ethiopia AND had the powers ascribed to it in various myths, And those powers were demonstrable, it would probably change the world as suggested by evadrespus. Or, more likely, start a giant holy war.



Poveglia Island in Italy (a dangerous deteriorating former mental hospital run by a sadist)

now there’s a vacation sales pitch! But is it "former"ly “run by a sadist” or is the “dangerous deteriorating” remains which are “run by a sadist”? (“Both. Both is good”)


Doesn’t it melt anyone who looks at the contents, not just the Nazis? I don’t think that most Americans have the willpower not to look.


The problem is that we don’t know who the current Kohen Gadol is. Until we know who they are, it is just a box that will melt your face.


Do I need to fight you for it?


Nah, Im happy to share with friends!


It…I…huh. I grew up on those films and it never once occurred to me to think of Temple of Doom as a prequel.

Richard Burton

must’ve taken a side trip while in the region filming Cleopatra, I guess.

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Actually it’s more of a peninsula.

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That’s how Indy was able to lose a loyal sidekick who had followed him on many adventures despite said sidekick never appearing in Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Not that Indy wasted much time grieving for the guy or anything.


Special Librarian here and I’m going to go pedant; you can have public archives, and private libraries.

An archive is materially different than a library in many ways. It will generally be comprised of items that “go together” like the papers of an individual; correspondence, journals, etc., and should be organised as their creator organised them. They could be the logs of a ship, or the historical papers of a private corporation, or the historical photographs of a city organised by neighbourhood.

Where I work, we have both a library; items (mostly books, but some other items) organised for ease of retrieval using a system imposed on the material, and a small archive consisting of papers by people relevant to our subject. Both are public in the sense that anyone can come and look at them, but they are in different formats, and organised differently.

That’s a really simplistic explanation.


I’m an academic librarian. I hear you, but I’m not going to fully agree!

Oh the archivist and librarian should be friends!
Oh the archivist and librarian should be friends!