19th century mousetrap not messing around

But they almost never come singly. We need a machine-cannon mousetrap.


He makes clear it is not an antique original but a more modern reproduction.

ETA plus what @Mister44 said.


“Whatever happens, we have got / the Maxim gun, and they have not.” – A homeowner with a serious mouse problem, probably.


Dusting off and nuking from space, it’s the only way to be certain.

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Maybe we need ye olde claymore mine…

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Game wardens used similar devices to maim passersby.

Wow, that would be my cue to find a permanent solution. Hopefully, I wouldn’t end up like that guy in Of Unknown Origin.

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Oh wow, a pre-Robocop Peter Wellers! Forgot all about this gem. I’ll counter with my own early 80’s reference - I figured it would end up like that scene in “Never Cry Wolf” where dude is just eating mice like there’s no tomorrow.

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Or these guys


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