2020 Election Thread (formerly: 2020 Presidential Candidates Thread) (Part 1)

As we discussed at work today - that’s a neighborhood here. South Bend is about 100,000 people. He’s running a place half the size of NW Philly.

It’s a pretty slim constituency to try and jump up to Prez. The average Congressional District is what - 700,000?

Hell - we have 84,000 people come through our airport everyday.


Looks like the Dems took the KY gov seat, and preliminary results in VA are encouraging. MS was never a realistic hope, but it’ll be interesting to see how close it gets. Repubs feeling nervous? Conservative tears? I am a happy boy tonight.


We flip VA state Senate! Waiting on house results. Are the rats breaking out the life jackets?


Mitch is not happy tonight.



That is an excellent gif! May it be frequently useful over the next year!


Internet high-five!!!


Mike Pence’s home town city council just went blue. :joy:


That gif is not fair to Gamera friend of all children.


And there it is!!


All right- I’ll fix it.



well I meant comparing Gamera to Mitch. Yeah Mitch is a turtle but Gamera is a hero and friend to all.


Tomorrow’s tweet storms should be epic. I can’t hardly wait!


Someone else is gonna be pissy in the morning…


Locally in Philly - Mayor Kenny is trouncing his Republican opposition to get reelected. Some judges I like will make the cut - but the council elections are still in flux. Most Dems look like they’ve going to win district seats. But the at large seats are a little different- there 5 that the major party (Dems now and for decades) will win - though one could lose to another Dem. and there’s two seats set aside for the minority party winners. Normally Republican- but this year a bunch of independents from the Working Families Party are marking a strong drive to win those seats and kick out the R’s completely out of the set aside at larges.

That would leave only one R left in elected office in the City- O’Neil in the 10th. He’s been there for two decades- but has a strong challenger.

Philly could end up with a City with no Republicans in office - Just D’s and Working People’s Party.


Not to Moscow Mitch, though.

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This bodes very well for next year!

Locally, Democrats will hold all five seats on the Delaware County Council, a Republican stronghold since the Civil War, and also assumed a majority on the legislative body in Chester County. In Bucks County, Democrats also held a late lead for control of the board of commissioners in a close race.

In Philadelphia, Kendra Brooks became the first candidate from outside the two major parties to win a City Council seat in the 100 years since it adopted a modern legislative structure. Running as a Working Families Party candidate, Brooks won one of the at-large Council seats that the city charter effectively reserves for candidates from outside the majority party. For the past 70 years, those two seats have been filled by Republicans.


No he is an evil bastard of a turtle. I should find a gif for him.


“We cannot be satisfied as long as:”

  • Black Americans are the victims of police brutality
  • Black Americans can’t stay in hotels
  • Black Americans’ basic mobility is from a smaller ghetto to a larger one
  • There are still “For Whites Only” signs
  • Black Americans in Mississippi cannot vote
  • Black Americans in New York believe they have nothing for which to vote

That’s the part of the speech I always remember. The specific hotels issue was dealt with in legislation, but anyone who is quoting MLK and who is not speaking out about police brutality is doing it wrong.

(I do have to say that the last one about people feeling they have nothing for which to vote… I get it has a specific historical context and is a racial issue, but there’s a part of me that always thinks… oh boy, that’s a tall order)

People who think Buttigieg could usher in a return to normal are out of their goddamned minds. Not diminishing the important place of racism in the American psyche, but do you think that the people who basically lost their minds and said, “Anything goes now” because the president was black are going to shrug and say, “Okay, all better” when the president is gay?

Remember when Republicans won congress in the mid terms and spent the next six years hellbent to annul Obama’s signature legislation? They are going to spend six years hellbent on annulling Buttigieg’s marriage.

Not that I think a “return to normal” is possible in any event, but seriously people (including Mayor Pete themself) need to get their heads out of their asses.


There’s economic discrimination and there’s social discrimination. As with many things status quo related - where you stand can depend on where you sit.


Among LGBT people, poverty rates differ by sexual orientation and gender identity:
    Cisgender gay men: 12.1%
    Cisgender lesbian women: 17.9%
    Cisgender bisexual men: 19.5%
    Cisgender bisexual women: 29.4%
    Transgender people: 29.4%

Cisgender straight men (13.4%) and gay men have similar rates of poverty and their poverty rates are lower than every other group.