2020 Election Thread (formerly: 2020 Presidential Candidates Thread) (Part 1)

Can’t wait for the next “Warren isn’t ‘electable’, only Biden can beat Trump!” take on the back of this data.


Oh FFS, can she just go back to Hawai’i and work for her Dad again?


When I saw the headline I assumed Gabbard implied the US government was behind 9/11 or that Jewish employees of the World Trade Center were warned not to come into work that day or yelling “Jet fuel can’t melt steel beams” at a rally. None of which seemed on message for Gabbard. I didn’t know people thought that the government had suppressed the pages of a report that says the Saudis did it. That feels pretty tepid as a conspiracy theory, but I guess the implication is that the US was complicit somehow?


I read it as “the US suppressed evidence of Saudi government involvement due to Saudi influence in US governmental affairs.” Which was pretty solidly put to bed during the Obama admin. Saudi citizen involvement is unquestionable, but the government being behind it never made sense. Nonetheless, bringing those tinfoil-hat brigade folks into her campaign is not in any way a good thing.


Yeah, my first reaction was, “does this even rise to the level of conspiracy theory?” but I guess this is exactly how conspiracy theories work. First someone suggests the Saudi Arabian government might be involved, then that doesn’t appear to be true, then they say it is true but it’s hidden, then the investigation says “no”, then they say “it must be a cover up!” It’s that last bit where I’m just like, “So, wait, do you have specific evidence of a cover-up, or…?” In the end you can make a conspiracy theory out of any old piece of untrue information.


Bold = my commentary

Anyone who can seriously look at that list and think we’re even close to achieving Dr. King’s dream has enormous powers of self-delusion. Like superpowered levels. We haven’t even started. We’re still having coffee and bitching that the snacks aren’t up to standard.


She has a long history of associating with nutters, starting with her father’s cult. She needs to leave the conspiracy theorists to the party that traditionally courts them: the GOP. And she needs to leave the race for the nomination, too.


At least she doesn’t believe that Obama was born in Kenya. That means she’s not as far down the conspiracy rabbit hole as Trump.

Tulsi has suggested Saudi involvement in the attacks before, so this is not anything new. On the other hand, that AOL story hasn’t appeared yet in the local papers. Speaking of AOL, here’s a fun fact: our other congressman, Ed Case, is Steve Case’s cousin.


I think it’s fairly obvious that the very specific complaints - signs that say particular words and hotels refusing guests - became the symbols for racism and brought on specific legislation. It’s easy to pass a bill that just says hotels can’t refused guests and say you’ve done something. But there was no effort to take on structural issues (ETA: I mean that society didn’t really grapple with the structural issues, obviously a lot of people did put in a lot of effort, MLK being one of them).


As I expected:




BerniBro rant about how Pressley is No True Progressive in 3…2…1…


I’m still fine with either Warren or Sanders, I’m not mad at anyone who supports either, and I refuse to argue pointlessly about it for the next 12+ months…


Me, too. I put my money where my mouth is on that. Bernie’s Pro-Union ad put me over the top to support him.


It has nothing to do with a transphobia and more to do with talking about issues that a plurality of voters care about and would be motivated to vote for. Every minute counts, in the heat of a political campaign, and you can’t waste time appealing to .00001 %of the population when you need 50.0001% to win. I don’t think a candidate SHOULDN’T say Transmen get pregnant and need reproductive care; when they’re talking on the stump, though, that’s time they could use talking about thinks all persons who need reproductive access could use – more clinics, bettter medical care, better protections of Roe Vs. Wade. Again, transphobia would be saying transpeople were bad. Trans erasure would be saying they don’t exist. Saying that trans people exist, are humans entitled to equal protectionand opportunities and also mmmmmmaybe 0.0001 of the populace (and thus not requiring a shout-out on every issue in every speech) is just what it is.

Bill Gates Goes After Warren on Wealth Tax, Won’t Commit to Backing Her Over Trump: Voting for Whoever’s ‘More Professional’

How, in any conceivable universe, would Trump be “more professional” than Warren? This is some sexist-tinged BS from a billionaire who just doesn’t want to let anyone else decide how to parcel out his charity. He’s willing to contemplate voting for a fascist just so he doesn’t have to pay any more taxes. He’d rather let the world literally burn than even be brought back down into the stratosphere compared to the rest of us. All of his lofty claims about believing in justice and equality and improving society are laid bare for what they are: lies. He wants to keep hold of the fortune he can’t possibly spend in his lifetime and dole it out to his own pet projects.


So - 2 million people is ever so slightly more than .0000001% - and could actually swing a tight race.


Or minimising their numbers (or other characteristics of their humanity). That’s erasure too, and that’s what you’re literally doing here.


2 million people is more than .000001 percent, yes. But unless those 2 million transpeople move to Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania, they’re not going to swing a tight race at the national level. And while the Williams study has the number at .65, that’s not a plausible statistic to me. The NYT in 2016 offered 1.4 million American as trans – or 0.4%. Which seems more accurate to me, even with living in a large urban area. (edited for bad math)

Active personnel 1,379,804[6] (ranked 3rd)

Shhh…don’t talk about people in the military during elections.