2024-2025 COVID-19 vaccine approved. Now go get it!

Was excited to hear my local Safeway got the new vax in today, so I headed over there, then as I was waiting to get it they told me Medi-Cal hadn’t kicked in for this booster yet.

Which I found very frustrating. Just so I wouldn’t leave with an empty arm I got my flu vax, but so far the Covid vax is the one that got away.

Now if I test positive and get really sick and die, I’m gonna be pissed.


Local CVS had gotten pfizer shots today when I went in to see what version of the vaccine they were getting and they asked if I wanted to get it, didn’t have time right then but went back later in the day and when checking, the pharmacist said my insurance declined coverage. Which isn’t supposed to happen. My theory is that the system wasn’t completely up to date and if I went tomorrow it might have worked correctly. Appointments aren’t available online until Wed. So maybe the system was thinking it was a request for the old vaccine, which isn’t covered anymore, so declined.


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