2024-2025 COVID-19 vaccine approved. Now go get it!

Originally published at: 2024-2025 COVID-19 vaccine approved. Now go get it! - Boing Boing


As soon as it’s available!

My future daughter in law, a ER nurse, has the current variant which she picked up at work most likely. She’s been completely miserable for days. I don’t want to have that, so will happily get a vaccine to avoid it.

I look forward to the future when these are combined, as the Spanish language misinformation on COVID is still going strong, along with mpox too. My inlaws told me it was “a massive wave sweeping across the US”…whereas the truth is there she’s almost completely out of the possibility to get it and there are zero cases in or around our entire state.


Wife came down with it yesterday, totally different symptoms than her past infections (despite being completely up to date with the latest vaccines). Lots of GI issues and vomiting.

Hopefully it will not last too long, like the variant I picked up back in June that left me congested and fatigued. I am going to get the updated vaccine in October, after my antibodies from that infection have mostly cleared.


I’ll take a day off in mid-September to get the new vaccine. The day off will be the day after - it always knocks me flat on my ass next day! So, hopefully, I’ll be good to go to Iceland in mid-October for my birthday!!!

I’ll get the flu shot when I get back.


Don’t forget to get a flu vaccine while you are out!


Mine is booked for Thursday, dear wife’s is tomorrow. I’m only deferring it because I have unavoidable work stuff during their available Wednesday time slots.


My provider - Kaiser - doesn’t have the new flu one yet, but some of the pharmacies do around here so hopefully soon.
I’d like to just knock out getting both ASAP as my wife and I are traveling at the very end of Sept…


I got the thing twice in 2023 and felt the weakest and most tired I had ever been in my life - not neglecting the jab again. I’ll get it in September.


Can I ask your general age range and favored brand of vaccine?

I’ve noticed that younger (say below 30) family members get Moderna and had side effects, where older (say above 30) family members reported side effects with Pfizer (which, in general, they demanded over Moderna, fwiw). The reverse of these age groups had zero side effects, which is why I ask. None of the children (sub-16) had any side effects. I know it’s anecdotal stats, but I do have a 70’ish amount of family members I help get vaccinated, so it’s a decent, if small, sample size.

In my 5 Pfizer doses so far, I only had reactions after the second (slight headache 4ish hours on, went away with ibuprofen) and fourth (cold-like feelings the day after).


Now go get it!



I’m glad the updates are actually becoming annual and routine. And now just 4 months out of date in terms of what strains they contain! (That’s not meant to be snarky, It’ll be a while before we get anywhere close to flu-like level of ability to predict dominant strains. Hopefully before long we’ll start just putting more strains in the covid vaccines and moving to mRNA flu vaccines so we can do that there too.) Granted I still won’t be getting this or a flu vaccine, as usual for me, but I’m very glad they exist and the updates are happening.

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Ideally they’ll eventually do better than that, because the match for flu strains is extremely hit-or-miss due to the 6-month timeline for mass production. That’s why some pharmaceutical companies are looking to make flu shots mRNA-based in the future.



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I’ve asked our local pharmacy to text me as soon as they get the new boosters. It sounds like we may not get them until sometime in September, but I’ve got my fingers crossed for them to show up as early as possible…

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There are folks who cannot be vaccinated for a variety of reasons, and for them it is vital for everybody else to get vaccinated to protect them. We are in the midst of a pertussis outbreak in which we have had kids who are vaccinated getting pertussis from folks who did not think it was important for them to get the vaccine. And then there are the “if everybody else gets vaccinated, then I don’t have to.” We are at the point where our overall vaccine uptake rate has dropped below the protective level, and as a consequence we are seeing a return of things that I had only read about in textbooks. Measles, whooping cough, polio, mumps. These should not be things I am having to consider when I see sick kids, but at this point they are. Because some folks have decided that vaccines just are not for them. Or that it is gubmint conspiracy. Or whatever. The end result is kids suffering and dying unnecessarily. It does not have to be like this. Just my two cents worth, but damn, vaccines are cheap, easy, safe and effective. This should not be a debate. But it is. Every fucking day, it is. And I am tired.


This is a big birthday! I just got my Medicare card.

I’ve been alternating Pfizer and Moderna. I’ve only had Covid once, and that was after my second boost. It was - blessedly - a stuffy nose and clogged ears with a little brain fog.

Shot order was Pfizer, Pfizer, Pfizer, Moderna, Moderna, Pfizer. I’m out for a day after either brand. I think the reactions are individual. Within my crowd of fellow geezers, some have a reaction and some don’t. :thinking:


Sad Season 4 GIF by The Office

But hey… some people have decided that “their freedumbs” matter more than dead kids… :rage:


We had planned late in October because we have two big jobs in January where we can’t avoid people as much as we like.


The first weekend in October we’re hosting a 100% outdoor party at a park pavilion for our 40th anniversary.

No walls just a roof, gonna be about 30 adults with some school age kids.

We’re now debating getting the vaccine a couple weeks before the party but we’re still leaning towards end of October.

Decisions decisions.


I’m still a little amazed that our lieutenant governor has survived this long after cheerleading for both seniors and children to die of Covid to save the state economy…

I mean, it’s Texas, and we’re either sociopaths or cowards, but you’d think at some point, a sane person with a crowbar would make it past his state cop bodyguards…


It takes me down for 2-3 days - I have to carefully plan around it. Luckily we have a long weekend coming up.