21 dead in mass-shooting at Texas elementary school

Consistency is not their strong suite, after all.


And while the politicians refusing to enact change on this get to go to work at secure buildings staffed with guards and scanners, all paid for by us, they are the same ones tearing apart funding for public education.
I’m not saying I want our schools staffed with armed guards, I don’t. But to basically force children to attend schools, which, for some of them is where they get the majority of their meals, then refuse to keep them safe is just,

mad freak out GIF


My spouse works near the Texas capitol complex. Guess who gets extra DPS officers and canine sniffer dogs today?


“When I grew up, things were different,” he continued. “And I just think that kids are exposed to all kinds of horrible stuff nowadays too. I look back and I think about the horrible stuff they hear when they listen to rap music, the video games that they watch from a really early age with all of this horrible violence and stuff and I just think that they have this access to the internet on a regular basis, which is just, you know, it’s not good for kids.”

The same rap music, video games and internet available in all the countries where this doesn’t happen on a regular basis?


What, like school shootings adults do fuck all about? That sort of violence?


. “And I just think that kids are exposed to all kinds of horrible stuff nowadays too.

Yeah, they do. Active shooter drills, mass shootings in the news damned near every day, the knowledge that they and their friends are not safe at school and could die on any given day. The kids are exposed to terrible things and it isn’t the music or the video games or the tv shows. It’s the guns and how most adults in their country continue to fail them. Over and over and over.


On some level, the right wing Christians are right about this country being evil… but not for the reasons they think. Not for the “decadence” or gay marriage, or laws that protect trans kids, or abortion, or legal prostitution or legal weed, or movies with sex… no. None of that. If there is a god, they don’t care about that. They would care about THIS real evil shit. This is what is “satanic” and against god, and the fact that there are people who despite mass shootings of children, want to support the things that let this happen (lax gun laws, white supremacists, other bigots, etc. etc).

they think they’re listening to god, but they are listening to Moloch…


I was in 9th or 10th grade when the Columbine shooting happened and we had our first active shooter drill following that. Mass shootings were far rarer then and I still had anxiety over those drills. I can’t imagine what it’s like for kids today.


Yeah I keep seeing idiots on social media asking ”how did he just walk in to the school??” as if elementary schools were high security military facilities. Most of the time the greatest security barrier keeping outsiders away is a sign reading “VISITORS MUST CHECK IN AT MAIN OFFICE.”

Even the most heavily guarded school campuses aren’t likely to have anything beyond a single police officer armed with a pistol, and there have been plenty of school shootings (including Columbine) demonstrating just how effective those are against a mass shooter armed with military-grade hardware.


I lived in a quiet US suburb for a while, and all the elementary schools there did in fact look like supermax prisons. Unscalable steel barriers all the way around, multiple secure entry gates, metal detectors, guards, etc.

When I was growing up in Canada, schools were public buildings (and still are). Neighbours came and went all the time. There weren’t any fences, except around the soccer field to keep stray balls from hitting cars. All doors were unlocked all day and you could come and go as you wished. You could go into the office if you had a question, or go directly to your kid’s classroom if you needed to talk them. Nostalgic former students would walk through if they felt like reminiscing. All normal.

Have American schools never been this way, or did things get this bad because of the shootings?


When I was young, schools were open public buildings as you described, but by my senior year (2002), doors were locked during the day and you could only use the main entrance. We didn’t have metal detectors or unscalable barriers though.


There were unarmed guards and armed police officers in Chicago public high schools by the mid-1970’s. But that was about drugs and gangs, not school shootings.




This and the Buffalo shooting prove that the “good guy with a gun” idea is a complete fantasy. In both cases cops or armed security were at the scene when the shooters arrived, and in both cases the shooters basically “won.”



Is that the NRA convention where attendees are not allowed to bring their guns?


A lot of modern schools feel like prisons but even there it’s largely “security theater” in terms of likely effectiveness against a mass shooter. Installing a metal detector at the main entrance just means that the person monitoring the metal detector will be the first person to get shot.


God, gays, guns, blastulas.


Mine used to be like that. I would be curious to see how my old elementary school has changed over the years, but I’m not certain how I could get in. (Maybe take a community education class, if they still have them, but that’s a lot of trouble for a quick look about.)


I couldn’t make it through this, but for anyone who can stomach it, these are the victims of this tragedy.