30% of GOP voters nationally support bombing Agrabah, the country from Aladdin

Instead, I think that each case is probably different, has a complex backstory and hugely complex consequences. And a one-size-fits-all response is not the only answer.

Sure. That works for me. It leaves it as a decision that is open to reason, not closed to more information being considered.

I don’t know about the candidates, but I have actually asked similar questions of those that support them. Back when I would sometimes engage in that pastime, very similar to beating my head againsta metaphorical wall, I would sometimes ask some self-proclaimed Christians (largely in my own family and community) why they seemed to spend more time supporting military actions (not specifically the troops, mind you) and other violence than they did trying to better lives or the like, as their god (at the time, mine too.)

The answer, when I actually got one as opposed to offers to inflict violence upon me, was usually something along the lines of “those people are being punished by God, so why should we help them?” This is a paraphrase, you understand, but that was the essential message I heard repeatedly from many difference sources. I could never reconcile the conflict between this message and the one I was receiving that spoke about love thy neighbor, etc.


Question 1: What percentage of Democratic voters support famine relief for Agrabah?

Question 2: Will the refugees from the bombing turn up in the Thursday Next series?

Question 3: Is Agrabah anywhere near Bulungi?

I don’t think that republicans want to bomb a cartoon place, i think they just don’t know how to spell algebra…and any good conservative knows math is a gateway subject to science.


“Famine relief” presupposes the existence of a famine, so supporting said effort should be the default position of any citizen in a country that has the means to help. Bombing people, not so much.

Again, the real issue here isn’t that people are stupid for not knowing Agrabah is a fictional country. The issue is that so many people are happy to start a war with any country that has a middle-Eastern sounding name whether there is any justification for attacking them or not.


Because briefly unemotionally explaining why you lost interest in a site that is over-monetized is throwing a temper-tantrum. I feel sorry for your kids wo/man.

I find it really odd that so many people are turning up in the comments saying, “I can’t believe people are going on about our tendency to be violent without knowing all the facts! Well I bet the other side instinctively wants to help people without knowing all the facts! Hah! See! Not so superior after all!”

These two things do not present the same moral issue. That, to me, is a lot more telling than the poll itself.


Surely it’s part of our continuing campaign against Eastasia…

I’m a little bit lost - what is the currect main enemy of the US? China? Russia? ISIL?

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I’m pretty sure it’s our own government, actually.


I’m sure you would have gotten equally interesting results if the pollster had asked if the US should accept refugees from Agrabah as well.

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Sorry, I was been oblique, We Have Always Been At War With Eastasia…

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argh, I should have recognized this. shame on me : (

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I don’t think such “whacky” questions tell us anything. Some interviewees may know Aghrabah from the film, some may not. Some may confuse it with some other, real location. Some may know Aghrabah is fiction, but for the sake of the question imagine it was real and consider whether they would bomb it. Some would answer “no” because you can’t bomb something fictional for real. Some would answer “I don’t know” because they are confused at this point. Some would answer “yes” for the heck of it, and some because they are morons, and some because they are racist, but there is no easy way of telling them apart.

Agrabah probably should be bombed, it was after all, the place where they’d ‘Cut off your nose to spite your face,’ at least in the original lyrics to the Aladdin theme song before people complained.

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…It’s barbaric, but hey, It’s home!


This isn’t discussed often or widely enough!

Smart constituency? Nope.

Directionable? Yep.


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