5-word scary stories (it's alive!)

You took a backup, right?

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Holy crap Anne was my dean. And I was a bridesmen at james wedding. I am actually crying now.

Thanks! Here, watch this video:


Heh, I appreciate it. Gonna back out, feeling a little maudlin :slight_smile:

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Holy Shit, you not joking?

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In a phrase, not even :slight_smile:

Aeroplanes known to crash mysteriously!

You monster!

And I’m outta likes!!! dang!

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No wait, got that backwards!

Well, holy fucking amaze balls.

I’m sorry to hear that story.

What a shitty fucking predicament.

My deepest commiserations, my friend.

I hope this isn’t tacky.

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Some times people do montrous things, even in five words >:)

Sometimes my two grandfathers, my father, my mother, and a few friends would make great novels.


Whos knocking at my door!

[LIKE] :hearts:
<I’m outta likes sop fuuuuuck you>

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(Scariest thing ever, when you realize)

Life is, what it is.

@japhroaig didn’t use [spoiler]...[/spoiler] tag.

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You are CEO of Unizone.

(limited in-bbs audience for this one)



(is blatant plagiarism cheating? Because I’m doing it anyway)

Can anyone fly a plane?


The candiru… The bloody candiru!!!

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You forgot to get dressed.

It wasn’t just a dream.

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You only know five words.

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You can only say questions.

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Nothing else can go wrong.

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