A 76-year-old Asian woman fights off an attacker with a stick, sending him to the hospital

Side note – there is nothing on earth that will deter me from the belief that the former guy is directly responsible for all of this. here in NYC blatant attacks on Asians seemed to be rare events in my lifetime (or maybe just not publicized, i could be wrong) but since the orange fuckhead started the ball rolling on a daily basis, of course violent nitwits picked up the banner. just another unforgivable part of the legacy of that bastard.


I am currently in Shanghai and have lived in China for 15 years. Every day I am greeted with smiles and waves by the old people who seem genuinely happy to see me. Reading the shit that seems to go on back in the West makes me wonder if I ever go back and if so, for how long.


A brave man? /s

(edited for redundancy)


and hopefully no jury would ever convict you. but be cautious. there are a lot of dangerous bullies out there.

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All I heard was “Some Racist Asshole” instead of an actual name.

However, we should let a jury of the peers of the people he attacked judge him as opposed to figuring out where he works, where he lives, and ensure that he can’t get a job because of his actions… /sarcasm

(in honesty, while I’m mildly opposed to doxxing people on principle, some people do deserve it.)


Unity is fine, but we aren’t going to solve racism by pretending it doesn’t exist. Hatred and bigotry do NOT affect all of us equally, and we need to accept that if we are to identify and address the problem.


Some have been / are consuming the hatred and toxic white supremacy The Former Guy made sure to serve up, as much as possible, as often as possible, to stoke fear/xenophobia while deflecting public attention from Cult45’s life-threatening actions during the pandemic?

Some are thrilled and “encouraged” to hear toxic ideas and epithets being said aloud that used to be thought of as racist/wrong/unAmerican? And then some of those people are acting on the implied and overt support for violence?



Pronunciation guide, as I hope she is named in your retellings in the future, not just the jerk’s name.

Xiao Zhen Xie
Shaw Jun Shi-eh (Zhen rhymes with “sun”)

I’ve seen too many newscasters munge up X and Zh into the same Zsa Zsa Gabor consonant.


Is that the Cantonese pronunciation? (If I recall correctly, she speaks Cantonese.)


It’s the spelling I picked up in the news, and I’m certain the spelling is Mandarin Pinyin. If she speaks Cantonese, but not from Hong Kong, this might be the “Mandarin” rendering of her name, which might be the one on her passport. The spelling would be totally different if it was in Cantonese, written in the Jyutping system. I don’t see any uses of the letter X in Jyutping.

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Can’t help feeling the guy got what he deserved.This kind of random street violence has to stop. A lot of folks have “bad days” yet they don’t out and kill eight innocent strangers.

It’s not random. It’s targeted.


Friends have mentioned the looks and comments for months now, but the violence seems to be targeting older Asians. Is that true? If so, why? As far as I know that isn’t the case with attacks on other races.

I assumed it was because the attackers are cowards at heart who pick on people that seem unlikely to be able to fight back all that well.


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