A beginner's guide to the Redpill Right

Why? I don’t think it is a hoax.

Seems to me that you and yours are the pretending ones – the ones who pretend that genetic science has anything all that significant to say about why such big differences in social status, education, wealth and so on still exist between the races.


Awesome. :slight_smile:

Actually, no I didn’t and can’t. Can you countenance that extrapolating experience of the US to the rest of the world and assuming that experience there is just the same as the US is just a form of cultural arrogance? I won’t ask you to acknowledge it. Just think about it.

I made the point that born in the UK, trying to escape poverty by means of access to training for the professions and being poor, white and male is jointly the worst hand to be dealt along with being poor, black and male. It was only access that enabled the climb and I played on hard mode from the start. Harder than being female and harder than being a POC (with the exception I’ve pointed out twice already). And class signifiers stick around until error and observation teaches how they work, so a poor background remains a handicap in the job market too. But yes, I am privileged now, I freely acknowledge that.

My children are likewise highly privileged. They have relatively affluent happily married (now) middle class parents who know how the system works in several different countries and who have high expectations. That’s a great start in life. Being mixed race (as they are) or even a POC is a small handicap if it comes with middle class in the UK or NZ. They won’t ever know what it’s like to have the shit kicked out of them for their hand-me-down clothes and then go home to a leaky house with no central heating and roadkill protein on the table (me) or have to spend 4 hours working fields before school and do homework hungry by candlelight after a low protein rice meal (my wife, who had an even worse childhood in the developing world. It sucks worse being poor there). Yeah, I know, insert Monty Python Four Yorkshiremen sketch here and I’ll totally own it. :laughing:

But my point is that being affluent, male and white may be the height of privilege but being poor, white and male is also way down at the bottom of the pile (see footnote!) and getting worse. So judging the set of all white males on the basis that you (actually we all) have a legitimate beef with rich white males is counterproductive.

So an inability to express yourself in an approved manner is a bar to participation and means you can safely be disregarded?

The badly expressed post which gets struck down with foul language, a snarky hash tag or a knowing .gif may be hiding someone like me, but with less ability to self censor and a short fuse. At University my only safe response to the middle class POC females with a car that Daddy bought who audibly bemoaned their lot, was simply to get on my bicycle and go to my part-time job. It put food on the table. And there to stew resentfully because they didn’t have the slightest clue how the other half lives. Engaging could only result in accusations of racism and sexism and —maybe even worse— in exposing myself as the pikey I really was. It’s only now I know my children will inherit the advantages of our current success that the resentment has faded. Without success, no voice and disregarded, the only recourse for the poor and particularly poor white males seems to be far right politics, violence and the kind of redpill crap linked to above. And surprise, surprise there’s no shortage of all that crap around. That’s not a good outcome.

That still leaves the super rich elephant in the room. Taxation systems that convert their selfish trust funds, stock portfolios, jets, super yachts and multiple houses into public healthcare; good schools with high expectations for all; free, well stocked public libraries with books and internet access; and scholarships for higher education based on merit and potential would benefit everyone. Surely arguing about differential access to the morsels of the unfairly stacked system we have now is pointless until that infrastructure is there?

BTW if you want the stats that back up my assertions regarding entry to entry to medical training in the UK, google the BMA/UK Equality Commission reports on ‘Equality and Diversity in UK Medical Schools’ — they’re probably online. Mine’s hard copy.

More general data for NZ is summarised by Easton, B. in “Ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status and educational achievement: An exploration” for the Economic and Social Trust on New Zealand. If I’d actually been born here, I’d have been higher up the pecking order. Things really suck for socio-economically deprived Pasifika and Māori people.

Footnote: At least everywhere I’ve worked. I’ve not lived in the US and I’m not arrogant enough to extrapolate my experience to there. It may be that being white and male there is so universally awesome that those are the only signifiers needed to pigeonhole an American.


Stop putting me in an imagined category of people.

i said that race is a social construct and should be abolished. I never once ignored the big differences in social status or anything. You are putting words in my mouth. You are dishonest here.

of course there are social differences and until people believe that there are biological differences between races they will persist.
nothing significant at all - you say
what if i say that there are genetic differences between PoC and whites witch makes whites superior. That would be significant wouldn’t it?

Yes. It would be a significant admission on your part that you’re a sad, delusional, old-school racist.


but the fact that i am saying that there is no difference makes me insignificant not “not-racist”. Double standard much.

I can no longer understand what you’re talking about.

What was your point in even asking whether it would be significant if you were to say that genetic differences make whites superior?

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In the article, the definition of “meritocracy” is incorrect. Meritocrats believe that the most qualified should be the most powerful, not that they are the most powerful. However, I believe that the definition given accurately reflects many opinions in the redpill right.


They are absolutely identical, I really wish those nasty feminists would close their gulags down.


You said

And i say that there is a profound impact because most people who are racist believe that there are genetic differences as you yourself pointed out that is why they are racist (among other reasons)

So why do you think is bad for me to say that there are none? This means that no race can be superior to another based on biology. Which also means that we can change and abolish the social differences otherwise we cannot.
If people start realizing there is no difference at the basic level most racist arguments fall.
I don’t understand why have you mocked my statement, it was a fair thing to say,IMO.

If you’ve been saying and/or believe that in nearly all significant ways, race is a social construction, and that it nevertheless has real and pernicious social effects that still need fixing, then we’re on the same page.

If so, then I say, let’s go back to our regularly scheduled programming.


do you people know how to read or am i writing so poorly?
i said that they use the same rhetoric.

rhetoric - * the principles of training communicators; those seeking to persuade or inform*

Plus they don’t have so much power yet. Communists were in illegality 30 years before they got power. And this is the rhetoric they used before gulags and mass exterminations. then they got power and fu**ed things up.

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yes. That is exactly what i am saying.

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Oh, we know how to read. We just think your view is ever so slightly over the top.


<<“Life” in this “society” being, at best, an utter bore and no aspect of “society” being at all relevant to women, there remains to civic-minded, responsible, thrill-seeking females only to overthrow the government,
eliminate the money system, institute complete automation and eliminate the male sex.>>
Over the top. i know.

I’m exercising my Redbull Rights. Who’s going to be a dear and fax me some?

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Fax won’t work. You need a properly configured FTP (Food Transfer Protocol) server.
The pizza joints are said to run those.


The fascist first/main target in Germany, Italy, and Spain, and the first group to fight them in Spain, were syndicate anarchists (localized socialist trade unionist in practice). Franco even worked to oppress this movement well into the 70’s.

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It’s been tried a few times, and failed miserably each time. One of the more comical, http://micronations.wikia.com/wiki/Republic_of_Minerva. Can you just imagine Tongan Polynesian warriors chasing off a bunch of striped knee-socked libertarians from their ancestral fishing grounds?


I am familiar with Mr. Bezmenovs work.

I see that you are new here so… welcome, and if you have not done so already I recommend that you out the “Sup Marxists?” thread.

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The redpill right has traction because their dumb ideas are pushed relentlessly by well-funded right wing media. Many fewer would believe this crap if it wasn’t such a big part of the mainstream media. And by mainstream media I mean Fox in the US and various other oligarch propaganda outlets everywhere else.