A "buttload" is apparently a formal unit of imperial measurement

The metric system is the tool of the devil. My car gets 20 rods to the buttload and thats the way I like it.


And about 1/4th of a Fuck ton



Botti Gamba translates wrongly as Casks Leg and the normally make metric casks…

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I was hoping someone would take that opportunity. Well played! Though your performance of it was a bit am-dram.


“I’d like to send this letter to the Prussian Consulate in Siam by aeromail. Am I too late tor the 4:30 autogyro?”


I thought I was the only one who still remembered Atom…

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Which would make it 10 Troy Fuck-Tons. Yes, Troy Tons exist: like Troy Ounces - the whole system is at 1/40th scale.


It IS Italian, and it just means barrel. It just doesn’t mean boot, nor has any connection with it. The English word boot, on the other hand, is apparently French origin (bote, a high thick shoe), and the origin of the French word is unknown. But I’d argue that it too was derived from the Latin “buttis”, mainly because it vaguely resembles a small jar shape.

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I’ve tried some. The ones I tasted were more like rye whiskey than British-style gin.

Flounders. A buttload of flounders makes a mega-fishfry.

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That will cost you 50 extra bees.

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That is one of my very favorite little command-line gems. About the only thing I’d knock about it is the different syntax it uses for converting temperatures between Fahrenheit and Celsius.

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