Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/02/05/a-college-student-thinks-she-h.html
Her first thought was “paranormal activity” and not ‘potential intruder?’
And someone answered back, "Oh, my name is Drew."
Roger That!
How could she not think “intruder” after having once come home to find two people in her living room?
More importantly, how are these people continuing to get in?
It was a few years back we were house hunting. With the recession there were many houses that had been out on the market a long time. My wife and I started looking at houses that were fixer uppers that would normally be way outside our means if whole. Mainly to get into a much better school district.
We found a house we called “The Manor.” Gorgeous, large lot and it used to be a bed and breakfast and on not zoned land. Which would be cool because my wife could run her bakery out of it. Had a huge kitchen space.
So we head out to see what we know is going to be a bit of a mess. When we get to the house a van is just pulling out of the driveway. I even helped the guy open the gate on the way out. He told me he had put an offer in on the house but I decided to wait for our realtor to see what it was.
Realtor arrives, I ask and there had been no offer made. First clue something was off. We decide to have a look at the house anyway. Our realtor starts to get the key to open the front door when I get a weird feeling and end up opening the door. It was unlocked.
In the front of the house was a set of bags from the hardware store containing: New door locks and handles, a mailbox, a sack of concrete, some posts and tools.
Texas is a squatters rights state. And the people who rushed out were planning to stake a claim on this house that had been on the market for over two years.
We take pictures, call the realtor representing the property owner and tell her what’s up and she says, “I thought it was ghosts that kept moving things!”
That’s an odd supposition. Why would she risk trying to stop him from roaming around her house if she DID think he posed an immediate threat? “Keeping up a conversation with the intruder” could simply have been a ploy to keep him occupied with other things than raping or killing her until help arrived.
That’s the paranormal part, me thinks.
A surprisingly common mistake…
Love them.
That’s some nightmare fuel! I’m glad she’s okay!
Came for this. Was not disappointed.
Aye. And that “Drew” is in custody!
Guessing not Mr. Swofford’s first rodeo in UNCG closets.
My guess is that her landlord didn’t bother re-keying the locks after the previous school year.
“Don’t Get Killed” by Andy Breckenridge:
I know people look down on “internet diagnosis”, but I suspect that the boy ain’t all right in the head. If his demeanor is “meek and dumb” then it could explain why she didn’t feel threatened. As long as you keep him calm then he’s not going to hurt anybody, he’s just a little confused as to what is and isn’t acceptable in society. All you gotta do is hold out until the cops arrive.
More than that, it’s against BB moderation policy.
Look, I get where you’re coming from. And one reason I’m glad he’s in custody is the hope he can get any help he needs while keeping him far away from his prey. But we absolutely don’t need to speculate about his mental health to be glad of that.
And yes, prey is accurate, whether he knew it or not this is traumatizing, as anyone who’s had it happen to someone they care about can attest. To be clear, I take a rehabilitative, not a punitive, view of how predators should be treated.