You don’t need data connectivity to get a GPS signal. That’s the beauty of satellites.
Google Maps for mobile has only has the ability to download map data for offline use since 2012 or so.
Because you didn’t download that map before you left. Been there. Pretty easy mistake to make in the buzz of everyday life.
Especially easy if the phone isn’t a big part of your drive. After working for a company that made you pull over to take calls or risk getting fired, my habits are that drive time is “non-phone time” - I have no idea what portions of my drive have reception and which ones don’t.
just turned off my wifi and tried to navigate to boston, that’s a no go. granted i was able to view a map, but that would not help a person who did not know where they were.
Apple maps… nuff said!
Openstreetmaps doesn’t need always on data, just in case you find yourself in this situation.
Yeah, yeah, the deer was “escorting” you, suuuure. I think it’s just patient.
That’s a young male. It’s small, and you can see the antler nubs. It’s acting aggressively, the jumping up behaviour. That’s how they defend themselves. It may also be confused…male deer don’t need to be in rut to be motivated by sexual urges (because female deer may not get pregnant during rut and will become fertile again the next month. This was probably not a completely safe situation for that woman
EDIT: oh and the human flesh eating thing, there’s that, too (I have seen deer eat birds, it happens
That’s a wonderful thing. Thank you
Of course I have the maximum size area I travel in frequently downloaded, but that’s because I set it up. Honestly it wouldn’t be a bad idea if Google pushed that as a default for the most traveled areas based on your map usage. I’ve been up in the Appalachian mountains enough times to know and have those downloaded. Hell you get in a valley and sometimes I loose GPS signal as well.
Fawn of the Dead: Bombi
Deer carnivory is a thing. Riddled: Red-Eyed Braindeer (twist of lemming #2)
OK… well strap in for the Yin and Yang of responses:
Sorry in advance but the person being followed was both egging the young deer on and then telling it to back off repeatedly and then totally abandoned their travel buddy on a whim… so:
And she was only eight miles from home when she got lost and ended up 15 miles from home!
Despite other replies saying signal in rural Maine is dodgy and no downloaded maps, etc…that does take some doing, so I’m going to assume it was very rural indeed. I’ve lived out in the sticks in the middle of nowhere and I can envisage getting lost but even so I reckon I’d be able to find and use at least some landmarks anywhere within an 8 mile radius of home.
GPS works without cell signal, as does compass. Sure, you may need a map for it to be of much use, but it can be helpful if you at least know the bearing of your destination.
Was she going to be just as lost so close to home if the car had not got stuck - would she have got home ok in the car? Did the car have satnav - could she have checked the route on that before she started walking?
Maybe she needs to read this. It really is packed with tips as to how to navigate using nature only.
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