Originally published at: Watch: A deer affectionately approaches a woodcutter with a chainsaw | Boing Boing
Well now who let the deer have a chainsaw in the first place?
Close Encounter of a Deer Kind.
Indeed! Affectionate or not, if you approach me with a chain saw I will be wary.
Same as “What do you call a gorilla with a machine gun?”
You call him Sir.
Or whatever honorific is requested!
We try to avoid those around here. First they came for the flowers, then they brought ticks, and next it’ll be COVID…
Bambi’s revenge!
Not now, deer; I’m working.
That would be the first woodcutter the deer “approached affectionately.”
A gentle nudge would lead to kickback…now the deer has a CHAINSAW.
It was a dark and stormy night in Texas and the deer have chainsaws…
Deer: “That has got to be the noisiest beaver I’ve ever seen.”
The only thing that can stop a deer from having a chainsaw is good guy who never gives it to him in the first place.
“Mom says it’s my turrrrrrrn!”
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