A funny sketch about racists reacting to the new Doctor Who casting

I see @alwayslurking beat me to it, but let me add my strong recommendation to try to see that film about her - it really is very well done.


Doctor Who has always been up and down due to the stories. I like Whitaker’s first season as the Doctor, but the story lines were mostly just OK.

Granted, I haven’t seen the two newest seasons, maybe it went down hill from there. But with Doctor Who, things can turn around at any point. Fingers crossed.



As an added treat, the last season but one (and possibly the most recent too — I haven’t seen it yet) had Sacha Dhawan in a number of episodes, in a part I can’t name without giving spoilers.


Oh, I stopped watching halfway through Chib’s first season. The only reason the gnashing of teeth is no longer heard is that most of the old Doctor Who fans have moved on and no longer care. Like I said, good luck trying to get them back.

You are Michael Grade and I claim my five pounds.



I’m afraid you’ll have to be more specific, like a season number or a particular Doctor; as alas, I am not nerd enough to know which season that was.

I didn’t start watching Doctor Who until about 5 years ago, partly because the franchise is so incredibly immense, and partly because so much of the fandom seemed rather… toxic.

Imagine that…

*Am I the only one who would see his name in the credits and my mind would immediately transpose the letters into ‘Chin-ball?’


Case in point:


My favorite controversy over the casting:



Some people were mad that their “special” thing got “invaded” by younger fans who had not grown up with the show… it was not the majority, by any means, but just like with politics lately, it’s a vocal, bigoted minority who think that their “terf” is being invaded by SJW. Kevin Smith was right when he noted that hostile fans of Star Wars or Star trek were being to fans of series like Twillight - the backlash was driven by older, white men who were unhappy that people they did not deem worthy were getting into fan culture in a way that they did not like. Same song, different day…


It’s like people forgot how much hate the 6th and 7th Doctor got, and how much people disliked Jon Nathan Turner…


Oh, I’m hip.

Just sayin’ that the toxic Whovians (Who-ligans?) ‘love’ for the show seems rather tainted; in that it resulted/results in snobby gate-keeping, and all sorts of other antisocial behaviors.


Ooh! Dr Who joins the group of topics normally shared by Star (Trek/Wars), Apple/Android, and the like.


  • You, and people like you, are not the only ones who like “your” show. Never underestimate the diversity of our mutants, or of fanbases as a whole.
  • It’s ok not to like a thing. Generally when you don’t like a thing, you ignore that thing. It’s not ok to actively crap on others enjoying that thing. They are free to enjoy that thing.
  • If you believe “your” show can only survive with the racial or ethnic stereotyping it had in the past, then you might want to have a look at the history of media in a little more detail.
  • If your problem is “they don’t make sci-fi I like anymore”, and the reason isn’t because of racial or ethnic stereotyping or other bigotry, that is a totally valid position to have, but it doesn’t mean people liking modern sci-fi deserve to have what they like crapped on in return.

All true of course, but what I’m saying is that Who and Trek in particular (and some other series/IPs as well) are and have always been thematically ill-suited to enjoyment by rascists/conservatives. So when one complains about one of these series suddenly being too “woke” or demonstrating some diversity in casting, I have to ask: what show did you think you were watching?


Tom Baker or Get OUT!!!

jk. I grew up with Baker’s Doctor, and he remains my standard, but Tennant was at least as good and Matt Smith was excellent, JW was next tier, but still really good. And I do think I count as one of the “old fans!”


You are not. One of my pet names for Chibbers (heh) has been Chinballs.


I have an old DWB (was Doctor Who Bulletin, but they later changed it to Dream Watch Bulletin) that gleefully proclaims on the cover that JNT was fired and plans for the new season were going on.

DWB was my first encounter with negative Who fans and my first thought was “are they watching the same show?”


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Agreed. I saw some as a kid, but really got into when they started releasing the full run on DVD, so I’ve seen all the available episodes of the classic (plus some of the ones being recreated via animation).

People HATED him… just hated him. Having seen his whole run, there are certainly some poorly done episodes/stories, but that’s true for every single show runner.


Or how bad some classic episodes were.

But are we supposed to believe that Happiness Patrol was bad because of politics, and not because Kandy Man was a ridiculous and unbelievable villain?