A Gallery of Trump-Inspired Assholes (Part 3)

A mistake for him, or for his father?


Maybe Biden and Co. think Republicans have incontrovertible evidence that it’s Hunter’s laptop and data, and that it’s damning.

If so tho, it’s taking Republicans a surprising amount of time to do anything with or about it. :thinking:


The republicans are holding off until Trump gets indicted for something, then they’ll press charges against Hunter Biden. Thats my theory anyway


I don’t think they are admitting that.

IANAL, but the counterclaim filing seems to boil down to:

  • John Paul Mac Isaac said these things.
  • The New York Post published these other things.
  • Other people and publications said and wrote other things.
  • True, Hunter never paid any repair invoice.
  • Other than the obvious, Hunter Biden doesn’t admit to jack-shit.
  • By what Mac Isaac has claimed, he invaded Hunter’s privacy and wrongfully shared his personal data for political purposes.
  • Oh yeah, and we reserve the right to completely revise our case from what’s learned during discovery.

The discovery process should be fun.


Yeah, this could just as easily be a legal wedge to force Mac Issac to admit that he never had Hunter’s laptop to begin with under oath in a public venue. And who paid him to commit that fraud.


Blind Pew Mac Issac is the weakest link. If it’s shown that there was no Hunter laptop, then they can explore where the real emails and videos came from.



Could be much like the Hillary Clinton email shit… that they know they have nothing that can get him in any real legal trouble, but they keep hyping it up anyways as red meat for the base…


Wow… such good Christians… /s

To think… Kirk Cameron could have kept his shitty views to himself, and maybe he’d have a second wind career going right now with some sitcom on a streamer… instead he decided to just embrace Christian Dominionism and be branded an asshole for life…


Even if it’s purely fabricated, there were things on that laptop that were just plain illegal, IIRC. Everyone in the chain would be subject to prosecution.


These are just my impressions and thoughts, IANAL, please see a doctor if pain persists, past performance is no indication of future performance, etc.

  1. If he was claiming it wasn’t his laptop, then he has no legal standing. It’s slander and lies, but he doesn’t get to claim that any of it is legally protected if he’s claiming that it isn’t his.
  2. If I understand correctly, he’s not claiming “this is definitely mine and everything on it is true”, he’s claiming “you keep saying it’s mine, and I can’t verify that or not, but you keep saying it is, so, OK, fine ‘it’s mine’: why are you holding on to it then? Isn’t that theft? If it’s evidence of a crime, why don’t the police have it? Isn’t that obstruction of justice? It’s got to be one, the other, or both. I’m just following the logical consequences of what you dickheads are stating. You remember what consequences are, right?”
  3. Whether it’s his or not, these sociopaths have had it and been mining it for anything they can find for, what, years now? It is, one might say, slightly compromised as evidence by now. Do you trust them not to have just made shit up and stuffed it in there? What I want to know is why they haven’t been more creative. Where is the kiddy porn? Where are the Venmo receipts for human trafficking? Where is the 50 Shades fanfic?
  4. Everyone agrees, it seems, that Hunter’s a bit of a dick. Maybe even a criminal one. But that’s not what these people have been pushing, they’ve been pushing that there’s a Federal coverup of his egregious crimes, which would implicate Joe. Only their evidence for this is a putative laptop with putative evidence that they won’t allow anyone who isn’t them to forensically examine. No evidence, no investigation, fuckers. (Which is to say, they won’t allow it to be examined, they say, because they don’t trust it not to be covered up, which means it won’t be examined, which is evidence of a cover-up: heads they win, tails civil society loses.)
  5. Because of see above, nothing that’s said to be from the laptop can be trusted on its face, and Hunter and his legal team have nothing to lose and potentially some legal leverage to gain by saying “you keep saying it’s mine, so that must mean it’s mine, and that comes with rights and protections you fuckers.”

Isn’t there a chain of custody issue that means nothing on the laptop would be admissible in court anyway?


But it’s kinda Schroedinger’s standing. As long as the defendant in this lawsuit says it’s HB’s laptop, HB has standing. If the defendant says, “oopsies, that’s not HB’s laptop!” when under oath, then HB can go after them for slander/defamation/fraud/whatever. And Mac Isaac becomes witness for the plaintiff.


I hope NY law enforcement has prepared for Magats trying another Jan 6th when Trump gets arrested. It’s less likely to even be attempted; though not impossible. And Trump doesn’t control the NY National Guard. And the NYC police department has 36,000 officers.

A little larger than the 1,200 on duty at the Capitol.


I hope they don’t call in North Korea’s 800,000… /s


Will he tho?

I’m not at all convinced he didn’t make the whole thing up. He released “the news” about it when authorities aren’t going to answer back (during a weekend), and made the usual plea for funds to fight back. Could just be another grift.


The New York Post published what they claimed was a receipt from the FBI in return for the laptop. The trouble is, I know forms and it screams 1990s. It was the kind of thing someone in a local office would bang off in Word. No one at the FBI would be using it over twenty years later.

All that seems to exist is a whole lot of disk image copies.

Mac Issac’s story of what happened to the “laptop”, under oath, should be interesting.


and she has accepted thousands of dollars from the bank’s PAC

These are words that have no place in a democracy.