i was having lunch at the marina this week and the - ahem - gentleman across the bar was wearing a message tee what read “my rights don’t end where your feelings begin” and was illustrated with the snek from the gadsden flag.
what is that Gary Larson cartoon? something about nature’s signal of do not approach?
might as well have come right out and said, “i don’t give a shit who i hurt, as long as i stay on top”. dude was mid 60s, and - you guessed it - white.
fuck these fucking fascist fucks. that is all i have to say about that.
Paywalled. Archive here.
Oh, I think we need the full shebang:
Where the hell is the face palm reaction?
What happens when an asshole decides to dish dirt on other assholes. May they destroy each other:
(excerpt): “Fox came in last week and got all their shit out of there,” DailyMail.com quoted Patrick Feeney, who it said was managing work to rebuild the studio, as saying.
“They took the set and everything, all the equipment, the chairs, the desk, the fake walls, everything.”
Oh, for the days when a “crunchy movement” only involved one’s jaws while snacking on potato chips.
Something about Jung and “synchronicity”. Took yesterday off to have a catalytic convertor shield installed on my car. The dealership doing the work had in its swanky waiting area a large in-wall aquarium which stocked several different species of fish, including one blowfish. The sign taped to the aquarium: Do not touch glass.
Won’t Tucker Failson just whip up a new one in his woodshop?

Won’t Tucker Failson just whip up a new one in his woodshop?
Literally what he was trying to do. With an ax, for some reason
Did they take all of Tucker’s man-wood?