A "Grease" prequel is in development

You will notice that I said I and not anyone…

You think it’s stupid, so…


Because it’s fun; no more, no less.


Although I maintain it needs a prequel even LESS than it needed a subpar sequel with Michelle Pfeiffer…


problem it’s double booked

Yeah, the prequel idea is pretty terrible.


I remember seeing Grease on a sunday afternoon on TV. These were the days that if you put Lethal Weapon on TV they constantly overdubbed Mel Gibson with “melon farmers”.

Then Greased Lightning come the lines:

You know that it ain’t shit, we’ll be gettin’ lots of tit


You know that I ain’t braggin’, she’s a real pussy wagon

And I was like… What is happening here? Is this a family musical?


Anybody who was a teen when the original came out is in their late fifties now.

It’s going to be a date movie for people who have been divorced at least twice already.


Ha thanks for mentioning this awesome song! Tho I think it’d be hard for someone to pull off at karaoke I’d vastly prefer watching someone try it to summer nights. And if they pull it off the rewards would be great.

And surprised to read all the hate for grease, one of the great musicals in my opinion, along with Rocky Horror, Little Shop, Hair, Godspell, Hedwig, and probably a few things I’m forgetting. I don’t expect much from the “prequel” but I’m hoping for the best.

And on a side note, my favorite YouTube cover of that song, tho there’s lots of good ones:


How about a Rob Zombie version? That would be…different.

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