If I am a troll, it is only in so far as you in a group lack English comprehension, and I trolled that.
Just as you were trolling me to suggest I was advocating the death penalty. I did not, don’t believe in it any more than any of the other ineffective penal institutions.
What I did say is, the only “rehabilitation” that exists, is the criminal understanding their fault and doing the logical thing of atoning for it. The fact that I think nothing more superfluous than humans probably leads me a bit far there in HOW they should, but how else are they going to atone their fault?. Join a peace corp?.
Regardless, my contention is simply there is no such thing as outside intervention bringing about rehabilitation.
One of you referred to the community being prejudiced against certain groups, and this “forcing” them to crime, or even preemptively fitting them up when they are innocent (and there is no doubt of it being a thing), offering this as a justification for exhaustive rehabilitation efforts. Explain how you “rehabilitate” for that?. Nothing you do in a prison addresses that problem, does it?. The problem continues to exist even after you rescue the victims of it in the prison, you have given yourself a Sisyphean task. Emblematic of the piss weak mindset imo.
Another of you offer statistics “proving” people can be rehabilitated, another disputed them, but in fact they measured no such thing, they measured recidivism. People not stealing isn’t because depriving them of their liberty, cramming them in over crowded, under funded, brute enforced pens where once a month some fairy trots in to wave a magic wand and say “go thou, and steal no more”, made them think “It was selfish of me to take from others”.
They didn’t decide not to go back to stealing because some weak minded, well meaning part of society won’t look facts in the face and set up some systems that they themselves admit don’t work in 90% of cases.
The reasons people quit stealing are always as selfish, as self regarding, as the reason they started. They start again as soon as it suits them, every time. Someone who can rationalise the first theft, is a thief, and always will be.
Certainly nothing you or I can do or say will change them, any more than you could make me a thief. The best we could do is teach them to better mask their true self, which they do instinctively anyway.
Extreme events certainly could make me a thief and this is where the stupid obsession with “rehabilitation” does all of society harm. A well meaning stupidity, paying for an ineffective ambulance at the bottom of the cliff, instead of fencing, better paths, and vigilance at the top of the cliff.
Rehabilitation which you yourself know doesn’t work in the vast majority of cases? You KNOW this, and are condescending to me when I assert it?.
I scoff with the utmost contempt for your weakness. Mental and moral.