Originally published at: A heartbreaking video of Republican folks regurgitating lies to avoid accepting what Republicans did on January 6 | Boing Boing
Recent polling confirms that over 70% of Republicans now believe the election was rigged and Joe Biden is not a legitimate President. Dark times lay ahead.
Maybe after the Second Civil War is won we can delete the Electoral College from the revised Constitution.
How about we do our damnest NOT to go down that road. I have no appetite for hundreds of thousands of Americans dead after several years of hundreds of thousands of Americans dead…
“Nauseating” might be a better term than “heartbreaking” in this case.
Unfortunately I don’t think it’s going to be up to our side to decide that.
Which they believe gives them the right to rig their own elections, since it’s all a sham anyway.
We have options. It’s just giving up to pretend like we don’t.
War? Let them the fuck go. Watch them collapse under the grift of trump and the like.
Take them back for pennys on the dollar, and no votes for a generation.
We all saw it happen in real time.
What can you say to someone who thinks reality is an illusion, and an elaborate contrived fantasy is reality?
It’s the Democrats in congress we need to be talking to, loudly, including assholes like Manchin.
Good to know me and the rest of us living in blue areas of red states are fundamentally disposable human beings…
I don’t know that they want to secede. I think they want to take over the whole thing.
In addition, people believing that it’s okay to divide the country and make all the people on the “wrong” side of the line move have no understanding of how violent “population swaps” have been. The Great Migration wasn’t caused just by people looking for better jobs, but by mass violence against Black communities in the south. Millions were displaced and killed in the Turkish-Greek population swaps in the early 20s. Just after the second world war, both Germans living in Eastern Europe, and Jews returning home to Eastern Europe were ethnically cleansed out of Eastern Europe. There is NO SUCH THING AS A NON-VIOLENT POPULATION SWAP! The ONLY path forward is to do all we can to hold the insurrectionists responsible (and by that, I mean the people planning it), to take down Trump’s economic empire, possibly to pack the SC, to end the racist filibuster, and to get out the Democratic vote, while continuing to put real pressure on the GOP members who are not on board with authoritarianism, including rank and file GOP voters.
Another example. People talk about learning from history, but all too often they’re unwilling to look at the past to see what it can tell us. As a historian, I’m not fan of the idea that history repeats, but I am a fan of understanding how we can see similarities of circumstances. Just “letting the red states go” is not fixing the problem. It’s a recipe for disaster that would include a hell of a lot more violence, and an attempt to take over the whole country anyway. It would accelerate a civil war situation rather than stop it… much like happened in the 1860s.
Take a look at the giant disaster that is Zionists ‘repopulating’ their ‘homeland.’
You know, an important consequence of keeping the South from seceding was the emancipation of the slaves. And it’s still where the vast majority of America’s black people live…just to be clear about what you’re saying isn’t worth the effort.
Just one more for the pile…
the cognitive dissonance is strong with these folks.