A Kentucky man finds a mysterious "super friendly" monkey on his porch


j/k :joy:

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Ross’s monkey was a white-faced capuchin. The Kentucky monkey looks like a tufted capuchin

I spent some time around wild capuchins at a field station in Costa Rica long ago. They’re amazing animals and really smart, but the wild males aren’t so friendly as the young female monkey in the story. I got a kick out of a 10 lb monkey always threatening and trying to intimidate me when I came close, but always backed off because hey I was in his yard not the other way around


Sure. Super friendly. Until he rips that kid’s face off.


Burgess Meredith Meme GIF

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a mysterious super friendly monkey

I thought that article was going to head in an entirely different direction truth be told

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Until it ransacks their trashcan like a racoon.

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There’s a reason that if you see a monkey interacting with people in a movie or tv show its virtually always a capuchin (even when its supposed to be an old-world monkey*). They can do damage like any monkey, but they’re really smart and trainable. A female capuchin thats used to people (this one already had a collar) is as safe as it gets.

Still, if you see a monkey on your porch your first thought should not be to try to pet it. It should probably be that it could rip your face off

ETA: *Both Outbreak and Indiana Jones which have clips posted in this thread cast a capuchin as an African monkey


Was is it Ricky?

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Off-Topic, but…

“I don’t like this change in you, Alan.”

Something something ass pennies.

This guy sure needs eating more fibers!

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Mysterious monkey in the woods befriends child? I think I’ve seen this movie.


I regard your actions as inimical to good fellowship!

  • Basil Rathbone in Comedy of Terrors
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Until it intercepts and consumes poisoned food while you are hunting for the Ark of the Covenant.


Oh shit, another documentary.

Those dream sequences and the feeling of rage? Feels pretty much like my life currently.

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It sure does! A friend of mine is on the board.

(Kentucky contains multitudes.)


I hope we get well soon! We can´t stand another year with covid looming around.

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