A man is suspended from job for exposing rat-infested kitchen at Popeyes in disgusting video

Fuck the employers, you want rat shit in your food?


He was alerting the public to an unsafe and unsanitary situation. Even if his only goal was to convince a handful of people that they shouldn’t eat at that Popeye’s location then it still would have counted as a public service.


If a corporation or one of its suppliers wants to make a bad legal argument to justify why an employee should be punished for exposing unsafe conditions then let them try.

We don’t have to make those arguments for them.


On that day, I really want to be in that courtroom to see the look on the Judge’s face. Priceless…


Yeah, that’s foul!

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Maybe he was thinking he would be protected by whistleblower and anti-retaliation laws?

Whistleblower and antiretaliation laws protect all employees who report illegal conduct of any employer, employment agency , or labor organization.

Note also that whistleblower protections extend to journalists uncovering wrongdoing, even if they are not employees of the entity breaking the law. If a company pressures a journalist’s employer to terminate them, whistleblower protections extend to the journalist. They also have no prerequisite to report it to the authorities prior to publishing.


But the EMPLOYERS!!! What about THEM!!! /s


You say all that as if business liability insurance doesn’t exist.


Nah. Anyone can make hay of massive disgusting health and safety violations.

The only one who did anything wrong was the owner/managment at the restaurant for letting it get so disgusting.

Public health is too important to leave to the capitalists.


But their feelings!!! /s


But the free market is the best at everything!!! /s



What if this guy came back during business hours with a bullhorn and started yelling about the rats out front?

Certainly it’d do much less damage than posting this on the internet.


Secretly wants to be that guy, if only once in this life.


Ya, this is “drop a dime” materiel , which happens all the time in the industry. People see this sort of thing and call health inspectors anonymously. He had a key to the premises, so he should have been bondable. The terms of employment of the driver probably include a stated expectation that the driver won’t share confidential information of any kind, because it’s bad for business. Hard to believe this place was as bad as it was…those freshly broken tiles for instance. Flamethrower time .

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Is it really confidential information if an inspector has the right to see it and publicly publish the failing report?


Maybe not, but that won’t keep him from possibly getting fired. The carriage firm didn’t create the situation, but they may experience loss of business. There is also the matter of the employee creating content for his channel while being paid to do another job. I’m OK with everything this guy did, personally, but if he was to suffer consequences it wouldn’t surprise me. The publicity might help him, who knows. If he just wanted to rectify the situation he could have done so without putting himself at risk


Even that line of argument sounds weird to me. The carriage firm is hiring him to work with food in an environment with rats. Sure, the courts can have the circular firing squad blaming the franchise, management, contracting company–none of them should be putting workers in that environment. The fact food gets served to the public is separately gross.


unimpressed morgan freeman GIF

Why should any of us care about corporations who don’t give a shit about us?


My hunch is this has a strong whiff of wanting to promote the channel, be the hero, etc. he easily could have uploaded a portion to an anonymous youtube account, and pointed authorities in its direction or, failing that, local media. Or heck on restaurant review sites. That would probably get the actual problem fixed the fastest. Many ways to do this that leave himself out of it.

Maybe he already did?

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I mean, this is literally their job. :man_shrugging: