Originally published at: A man is suspended from job for exposing rat-infested kitchen at Popeyes in disgusting video | Boing Boing
Let me be clear … I feel for the man and don’t think he SHOULD be suspended.
But what did you THINK was gonna happen, my friend?!
Any way that a whistleblower protection can apply here?
If he had reported them to the health inspector, then yes. Posting negative info about your employer on social media, not so much.
The business he exposed doesn’t seem to be the one he worked for, and if so no direct “retaliation” exists, so I’m thinking maybe not even if DC has such a law? Dunno. IANAL.
Anyone that thinks this Dude was in the wrong is welcome to dine at that disgusting rat infested establishment. I will pickup the tab…
It should be protected.
Just checked the local DC/Maryland Labor Board for information. He can and likely will sue for lost wages. He’ll win too.
There is the right thing to do…and then there is the wrong way to do it. Opening the doors of a closed restaurant (which he doesn’t work at), showing people/taking pictures of what’s inside, and posting it to social media, even if the intentions are good, is not a good move. It exposes his employer to all kinds of liability from Popeye’s for things not even rat-related. He could have just made an anonymous tip to the health inspector but instead, he decided to show off.
Based on what? I’d like to see him do well and it’s a good thing the rat infestation was exposed, but on what basis could he win if he was an at will employee of a meat supplier instead of an employee of the Popeyes franchise that was shut down?
(Also, needs a Rob photoshop of Pope Eyes, maybe with rats?)
Perhaps he could be employed by the county (DC) health inspector as he know when and where to spot those rats, and precisely when to “rat out” certain establishments for not keeping the vermin problem under control.
It appears that rats were not the only issue according to the recent inspection report.
A lesson on what happens when you expose the rats in DC…
Even without the rats, I can see the missing floor tiles, the food stored DIRECTLY ON THE FLOOR, and stacked too high…
That’s just from a 2 minute Tik Tok video.
Oh bullshit.
People SHOULD know about stuff like this. If the employer doesn’t care about public health, the parent company SHOULD do something about that, as should public health officials. The public SHOULD be informed as well. Public health matters far more than whether this poor put upon “job creator” gets in trouble.
He should have whistleblower protections, though in the short term the missed wages is really going to put his family at risk. Hoping he’s able to get justice for himself
Popeyes needs to be concerned when it’s franchisees aren’t managing to maintain basic sanitation. People may start to assume that any outlet is likely to be unsafe to eat at.
Public health is too important to leave to the government and the capitalists.
They’d sweep it under the rug if it weren’t for public record.
We’ve seen this over and over. Countless times. “Going through the proper channels” means shit like this just gets covered up.
Have you not read The Jungle?