Rats raid a Chipotle, bite workers

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/12/11/rats-raid-a-chipotle-bite-workers.html

Rat poison isn’t organic

No, it isn’t. Where in the many links from the post did you read a claim that it was? Nothing in the NYT article…

Were the rats wearing tiny chef hats?


I think Mr. R is referring to Chipotle’s touted use of organic ingredients.




Mankind already invented the solution.


Sooo, multiple employees bitten by vermin on the job. Does this open Chipotles up to employee lawsuits?

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Ah. Brit here. No idea about this weird food category ‘chipotle’. :wink:

I guess that’s why they apparently did not use poison.

I’ve had luck using chile powder and flakes to discourage pests. Scatter it liberally anywhere you want critters to stay out of or not cross. Some Indian food shops have scorching hot powder for less than a buck a pound.

It’s not without drawbacks (red stains), but is definitely safe to use in food prep areas.

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Apparently you have to sign a forced arbitration agreement to work there (along with damn near everything else). Chipotle’s management is so innovative that they were even using this to grift the employees, until it started backfiring.


My terrier mix will take care of it. She loves rats and burritos.


I hope chipotle is covering the medical costs for the bitten employees, right? Shouldn’t they be treated for potential rabies? Bueller?


Profits more important than the health and safety if their employees OR their customers. The place should have been shut down at the first sign of infestation. GROSS.


They’d certainly like you to believe that, but …

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Yes, they were fine documentaries! Not so much the 2012 remake, though.

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Weil’s Disease / Leptospirosis

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When I was a kid, I had pet rats. I really wanted to see Willard (1971) and my mom asked one of my brothers if it would be okay. (This is where I should mention that my mom wouldn’t let my brothers go see Yellow Submarine due to violence.)

My brother told her that I’d be fine, so she dropped me off at the theater for a double feature. I don’t remember the first feature (have been told it was a slasher), but I FREAKED THE HELL OUT when Willard came on. They had to call my mom to pick me up.


True. How did the restaurant avoid getting a red card from the health dept.?


My Big Fat Guess: Being originally from there, I know that rats are to be expected everywhere in NYC. I suspect the restaurant has gone through more than a few iterations of health dept. inspections and approved fixes that allowed them to get them by until the ever enterprising rats found yet another way in. (They can even drop down through the ceiling as well as come in through toilets. Toothy ninjas!)